Sixth Grade TAG Parent Orientation
Sixth Grade TAG Teachers Mary Cady Kim Cherry Joanna Gillespie Julie Godfrey Katy Stefanov Leslie Williams
Administrators Bruce Fraser Principal Dale Becker Sixth grade Administrator Curriculum Administrator Kindra Smith Seventh Grade Administrator Jodi Edge TAG Administrator Eighth grade Administrator
Fulton County Support Personnel Adell Atwood Math Support Specialist
TAG Program Terms TAG~Talented and Gifted Serves~TAG classes Advanced Level Accelerated Mixed Model Advanced classes with both students that are identified as TAG and other advanced students who meet specific curriculum requirements
Differences Elementary School Middle School Resource Class Once a week Daily Schedule Class size limited to 17 Class size limited to 23 Interdisciplinary enrichment Rigorous content curriculum Separate TAG evaluation Grades earned in content classes
Differences in TAG classes Higher expectations and standards for achievement Compacted and enriched grade-level curriculum More long term and in-depth assignments Independent learning Emphasis on both the process and the product Opportunities for additional academic pursuits Critical and creative thinking Advanced research and communication skills
Determining level of involvement Reading level Rate in which the student works Motivation Maturity Organizational and study skills Outside interests Level of responsibility Areas of strength and interest Year-long commitment Feedback from parent, child and teachers
Number of Serves Sixth Grade Students-400 Sixth grade TAG students % One-serve-17% Two-serve-35% Three-serve-33% Four-serve-15%
Sixth Grade Courses Earth Science On-levelTAG Language Arts On-levelAdvancedTAG Math Math 6 On-level Math 6 Advanced Math 7 Accelerated Social Studies On-levelTAG
TAG and Mixed Model Classes Sixth GradeSeventh GradeEighth Grade TAG Earth ScienceTAG Life ScienceAdvanced Physical Science TAG Language Arts Advanced Language Arts Math 6 Advanced Math 7 Acc Math 7 Advanced Math 8 Acc Math 8 Advanced Advanced Integrated Math Acc Adv Integrated Math TAG Social Studies
Continuation Criteria Students must maintain an average of 80% in a TAG class Probation End of the semester
Our Four Content Areas
Earth Science Julie Godfrey
Earth Science-Mrs. Godfrey What Astronomy Ecology Geology Hydrology Meteorology
Earth Science-Mrs. Godfrey How Analyzing Data Tools and Instruments Systems, model, change, scale Communicate scientific ideas, question and argue Investigate scientific knowledge Scientific Inquiry Technology
Language Arts Katy Stefanov
Language Arts-Ms. Stefanov Reading Writing Vocabulary Parts of speech Variety of genres Research and technology
Social Studies Joanna Gillespie
Social Studies~Mrs. Gillespie Geography, History, Economics, Government Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America Personal Money Management Compacted curriculum with differentiated extension activities and assessment Critical reading and written language skills
Math Kim Cherry Adell Atwood Fulton County Math Support Specialist
Math Kim Cherry
Math Math 6 On-level Math 6 Advanced Math 7 Accelerated
Math -Process Standards Problem Solving Reason and Evaluate Communicate mathematically Connections Multiple Representations
Thank You for Coming We are looking forward to working with your children
More Information Northwestern web page Fulton County Talented and Gifted web page Kim Cherry
Questions and Answers General Sixth Grade Parent Meeting 7:30 Gym