Survey Results Dashboard September 2013 Membership Metrics If prompted, click “Enable Content” and say to the pop-up that you would like to make this a trusted document To use the dashboard on slide 5, this PowerPoint must be viewed as a Slide Show by selecting the podium icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen If help is needed, please contact When opening this file… Filter data by: - Membership type - Revenue size
Are you taking a strategic approach to data management? A recent focus group sponsored by Tate & Tryon found that many nonprofits struggle to collect “basic” membership information, such as where new members come from and why members leave. They often lack the culture, processes, and strategic alignment required to successfully leverage insights from their member and other stakeholder data. Tate & Tryon conducted a survey to better understand these challenges as well as to identify standard and best practices related to the collection, analysis, and reporting of member and other stakeholder data. The interactive dashboard on slide 5 of this presentation includes the results from the survey, sortable by membership type (individual, non- individual, or mix) and revenue size (less than $5 million, $5-$9.9 million, and $10 million or more). Survey topics include: Metrics collected and perceptions of importance Data-related processes, including metric selection and documentation Organizational support Use of metrics © Tate & Tryon, 2013
The Tate & Tryon Membership Metrics Survey was conducted online between June 18 th and July 12 th, Forty-eight nonprofit leaders, primarily Chief Membership Officers (40%) and Chief Financial Officers (38%), completed the survey. Most (92%) respondents are from professional or trade associations. Forty-two percent have individual members, 35% have non-individual members, and 23% have a mix of individuals and non-individuals in their membership. The interactive dashboard on slide 5 contains the survey results. For interpretation of the findings as well as descriptions of recommended practices, please view our whitepaper Membership Metrics: A Review of Current and Best Practices. Please note that throughout the dashboard, the term “member” or “membership” refers to all organizational stakeholders, including members, potential members, volunteers, and constituents. This dashboard includes survey responses from 48 nonprofit executives © Tate & Tryon, 2013
How to use the dashboard on the next slide Step 3. The dashboard allows you to filter the data by type of membership or revenue size. Select the filter you would like to apply from the menu on the left. Step 1. Select one of the four survey topic categories (Demographics, Metrics, Processes, or Evaluation) from the menu at the top. Step 2. Select a specific survey question from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu options change based on the survey topic category selected in Step 1. © Tate & Tryon, 2013
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How do you compare? The survey found that the most common data-related challenges among respondents are missing or inaccurate data (45%) and improper formatting of data (24%). Additionally, nearly half (47%) of respondents are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the ease of obtaining information from their database. This may be due to the fact that only 24% of respondents say their website, AMS or CRM, and accounting system are fully integrated. Nearly four out of 10 (38%) respondents collect more than 20 data points about their members, and 31% of respondents manually enter or “key in” more than three- fourths of their membership data. Approximately eight out of 10 (83%) respondents say their organization uses membership metrics to inform their strategic plan. However, a smaller percentage (47%) use their strategic plan as a basis for selecting which membership metrics to collect. Although 86% of respondents feel that member engagement is critical for evaluating progress toward their goals or strategic plan, only 33% of respondents measure engagement. The most commonly collected membership data points/metrics are membership growth/decline (96%), member retention rate (93%), and event attendance (93%). © Tate & Tryon, 2013
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