The Great wall of china was made More than 2,000 years ago by Qin Shi Haungdi, the first emperor of china during the Qin dynasty.
The Great Wall of China was made to keep predators away. One time armies were stationed along the wall as a first line of defense against the invading nomadic Hsiung Nu tribes north of China (the Huns). Signal fires from wall provided early warning of an attack.
The Great Wall of china is one of the. biggest construction projects ever finished. The Wall was about 5,000 km long. The Wall can be seen from earth orbit. in between the wall was enlarged to 6,400 kilo
Bibliography Great Wall of China - Enchanted Learning Software Great Wall, Great Wall of China, Great Wall in China All About the Great Wall of China The Great Wall: Beijing Vista: China Travel: ChinaVista
Credits All of this work was done by me Actors-logan Writer- logan Effects by logan