America’s Energy Coast Leadership Forum III July 30, 2009 Biloxi, MS.


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Presentation transcript:

America’s Energy Coast Leadership Forum III July 30, 2009 Biloxi, MS

America’s Energy Coast Leadership Forum III Climate Stewardship Task Force July 30, 2009

Climate Stewardship Task Force Gary Serio – Co-chair, Entergy Corp. Anna Motschenbacher – Co-chair, Pew Center on Global Climate Change Fiona Hanrahan, Chevron Karla Raettig, National Wildlife Federation Jim Mutch, Entergy Jenny Denney, Pew Center, Make an Impact

Task Force Activities 1.Future: Climate Change Best Practices Forum Purpose – discussion & sharing of state/local policies & programs to address climate change e.g. – energy efficiency, building codes, renewable energy, urban/infrastructure planning, disaster preparedness, etc. Participants – government policymakers & decisionmakers in AL, MS, LA and TX Timing – Spring Near Term: “Make an Impact” Program

America’s Energy Coast July 2009

Presentation overview What is Make an Impact? What is the opportunity for America’s Energy Coast? What are the next steps?

What is Make an Impact? Environmental footprint reduction program for individuals/households (employees, communities, citizens) Focused on personal energy efficiency, environmental awareness, and individual cost savings Partnership between Alcoa Foundation and Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Adopted by Entergy in 2009, the program launches today and throughout Entergy communities over the next year Customizable website and carbon calculator with resources and tools vetted by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and supported by community outreach

Build awareness and commitment on the issue Empower individuals to take meaningful, individual action and realize dollar savings Leverage and amplify existing local energy efficiency tools and programs Government Business Non-profits Overarching Goals of Program

What is Make an Impact: Website Customizable interactive website with tips, tools and resources on how to reduce energy bills and live more sustainably

What is Make an Impact: Carbon Calculator Individual ‘carbon footprint’ analysis and personal action plan

What is Make an Impact: Outreach & Workshops Educational workshops and hands-on activities to educate and encourage local action

What benefits can it bring? Heightened awareness of environmental issues driving positive behavioral change Real energy savings and cost savings in the local community ‘Green’ community network that includes business, non profits, municipalities and individuals

Make an Impact -Alcoa greenhouse gas reductions (at June 09): –Committed to save = 200,000 lbs of GHGs –Potential to save = 1,500,000 lbs of GHGs Reduced local environmental impact * Potential savings refer to total $ saved if users implemented all recommendations on their Action Plan

Quantifiable Cost Benefits Make an Impact - Alcoa financial savings (at June 09): –Committed to save =$200,000 per annum –Potential to save* = $800,000 per annum * Potential savings refer to total $ saved if users implemented all recommendations on their Action Plan

What is the opportunity for AEC? All AEC participating businesses, organizations and governments can engage Website adopted by companies, non-profits, and states for employee, customer, member and citizen use Community outreach and engagement State and regionally specific resources and information

What are next steps? Gauge interest in exploring Make an Impact program for AEC outreach Identify point-of-contact for any member interested in follow-up Schedule future call to learn more and further explore opportunity

Gary Serio, Entergy Jenny Denney, Pew