The Higher Ed Forum Critical Dialogue. Collective Action.
History & Forum Delegates The Netter Center of Community Partnerships, University of Pennsylvania 9 Universities (private, public, community college) 3 Public School Districts Tulsa Metro Chamber Tulsa Area Non-Profits
Higher Ed Forum Executive Council Netter Center Private Institution Associate Superintendents & APs Community College Public Institution Oklahoma Campus Compact Higher Ed Delegates Structure
Critical Dialogue & Collective Action Boundary Spanning. See it. Recognize need. Name it. Identify champions. Energize it. Build trust across systems. Believe it. Project knowledge Management. Develop it. Research Findings Share it. Academic Capital Formation. Nurture it. Organizational Learning. Monitor it. Collective change. Embrace it.
Collaboration Request for Academic Partnerships from higher education institutions, school districts and community partners Facilitated process into a project management plan Database for knowledge management and sharing Space Open versus closed system
Process Request for Academic Partnerships 1)Download form from website and submit to 2) High school or college faculty, community organization or graduate student with a faculty sponsor 3) Placement Committee meets to align best match for request for distribution of resources and equity 4) Forum facilitates initial meeting and planning process
Year 7: Upcoming AY Monthly meetings the 1 st Thursday each month in TCC Conference Center Room from 3 – 5 pm Revised Higher Ed Forum Website: September 5 Database connected to website for RAPs Campus Compact Heartland Conference One Agenda Initiative – Chair Margaret Lee Annual Student Leadership Conference Guest speakers and presentations
Theories of Practice Academic Capital Formation & Breaking the Access Barrier & Social Processes …Edward St. John, Arum & Roksa Fundamentals of Project Management …James P. Lewis Boundary Spanning in Civic Engagement and the Carnegie Classification …Lorilee Sandmann & David Weerts, Bringle & Hatcher Critical Dialogue, Space and Voice of the Oppressed …Martha Nussbaum, Paulo Freire, Lucy E. Bailey Privilege, Power and Difference …Allan G. Johnson, Ann Mullen, Bolman & Deal The Logic of Collective Action, Trust and Interorganizational Systems …Kerri Kearney, Wayne Hoy, Michael Crotty Social Capital Theory and Higher Ed Leadership …James Coleman, Warren Bennis, William Tierney, Kelly Ward
The Higher Ed Forum Critical Dialogue. Collective Action. Pamela Pittman Adkins, Founder and Executive Director or