Mobilizing and Managing Virtual Volunteers
What is volunteering really about? Working on behalf of others or a cause without payment for time and services Working on behalf of others or a cause without payment for time and services Can be altruistic and/or self-serving Can be altruistic and/or self-serving
Types of Volunteering Virtual Virtual School/Education School/Education Corporate/Employee Corporate/Employee Community Community Faith based--Still largest volunteer sector (35.6% of volunteering 07-09) Faith based--Still largest volunteer sector (35.6% of volunteering 07-09) Issue based Issue based Skills based Skills based International International Local/Regular Local/Regular Short Term Short Term
Value of Volunteers The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for 2009 is $20.85 per hour. The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for 2009 is $20.85 per hour.
U.S. Volunteering in 2009 Volunteering rate increased.4% from previous year to 26.8% Volunteering rate increased.4% from previous year to 26.8% Total of 63.4 million volunteers contributed 8.1 billion hours of service Total of 63.4 million volunteers contributed 8.1 billion hours of service This service was worth $169 billion This service was worth $169 billion
Where do I recruit volunteers?
When Recruiting Be Clear About Duties Duties Skills/Requirements Skills/Requirements Expectations Expectations Importance of Task Importance of Task
12 Basic Needs of Every Volunteer Specific manageable task with beginning and end Specific manageable task with beginning and end Task that matches interests and motivation Task that matches interests and motivation A good reason for doing the task A good reason for doing the task Written instructions Written instructions Reasonable deadline Reasonable deadline Convenience to complete task when and where it’s most convenient for volunteer Convenience to complete task when and where it’s most convenient for volunteer
Everything necessary to complete the task without interruption Everything necessary to complete the task without interruption Adequate training Adequate training Safe, comfortable, and friendly working environment Safe, comfortable, and friendly working environment Follow-up to see task to completion Follow-up to see task to completion Opportunity to provide feedback when task is finished Opportunity to provide feedback when task is finished Appreciation and recognition Appreciation and recognition
Virtual Volunteering Virtual volunteering is a term describing a volunteer who completes tasks, in whole or in part, offsite from the organization using the Internet. Virtual volunteering is a term describing a volunteer who completes tasks, in whole or in part, offsite from the organization using the Internet.
Many organizations find a combination of onsite and online tasks for volunteers works best for everyone involved (volunteers, staff, clients). Assignments can have different levels of virtuality. Many organizations find a combination of onsite and online tasks for volunteers works best for everyone involved (volunteers, staff, clients). Assignments can have different levels of virtuality. Nothing virtual about commitment, tasks, deadlines Nothing virtual about commitment, tasks, deadlines
Advantages of Virtual Volunteering Comfort Comfort No Commute No Commute Larger pool of volunteers Larger pool of volunteers More accessible (people with disabilities) More accessible (people with disabilities) Breaks down geographic boundaries Breaks down geographic boundaries Easier to work around schedules Easier to work around schedules
Virtual Volunteers may have skills organization needs or does not have Virtual Volunteers may have skills organization needs or does not have Stretch organizations’ resources Stretch organizations’ resources
The Contact Factor Miss face-to face contact which can limit networking opportunities Miss face-to face contact which can limit networking opportunities Can miss sense of community Can miss sense of community Can miss non-profits larger mission Can miss non-profits larger mission
Types of Tasks Fundraising Fundraising Web Design/Maintenance Web Design/Maintenance Data Entry Data Entry Writing/Editing Writing/Editing Film/Other Media Film/Other Media Research Research Consulting Consulting Translation Translation Online Mentoring Online Mentoring
Establishing Virtual Volunteering Program Post Opportunity/Actively search for volunteers Post Opportunity/Actively search for volunteers
After they show interest send initial contact ask for phone number Phone Call Phone Call
Second level asks them to create Gmail account for sharing Google Docs Second level asks them to create Gmail account for sharing Google Docs Send with links which explain tasks – detailed documentation link, video link Send with links which explain tasks – detailed documentation link, video link
Give permissions Give permissions Monitor Work Monitor Work
Give feedback Communicate/Follow up
Track Progress/Completion Recognition
Virtual Volunteering is about real people making real impact in real time. Virtual volunteers are real people who need real management and support. Nothing virtual about them. Virtual Volunteering is about real people making real impact in real time. Virtual volunteers are real people who need real management and support. Nothing virtual about them.
Sources sets/resources/FactSheetFinal.pdf sets/resources/FactSheetFinal.pdf sets/resources/FactSheetFinal.pdf sets/resources/FactSheetFinal.pdf eering eering eering eering er/virtual/ er/virtual/ er/virtual/ er/virtual/ expert-cravens-online-vol expert-cravens-online-vol expert-cravens-online-vol expert-cravens-online-vol
Have a Swell Day!