DANCING WITH CHANGE: Spirituality During Times of Change Dr. Richard McCorry
Dancing with Change INTRODUCTIONS
1.To identify better where each of us is personally with regard to change and its effects. 2.Provide us with a new and positive way of looking at change so it works to our advantage. 3.To have some tools/metaphors to invite others to see change differently. 4.To give us a way to encounter the presence of God in the midst of transition and change. Program Hopes
The Old Farmer from Hawaii
Dancing with Change ChangeResponsivenessSurvey
“The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is unchangeable or certain.” John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy 35 th President 35 th President
Dancing with Change
“Perhaps the only person who likes change is a wet baby.” Anonymous Anonymous
BeginningBeginning In BetweenIn Between EndEnd Stages of Change
Spirituality We all have a spiritualityWe all have a spirituality Spirituality with any depth must struggle with the issue of suffering and deathSpirituality with any depth must struggle with the issue of suffering and death One of the ways Christian spirituality resolves questions about suffering and death is by the Paschal MysteryOne of the ways Christian spirituality resolves questions about suffering and death is by the Paschal Mystery
BeginningBeginning In BetweenIn Between EndEnd - Good Friday - Holy Saturday - Easter Sunday Paschal Touchstones for The Stages of Change
Good FridayGood Friday Easter SundayEaster Sunday 40 Days40 Days AscensionAscension PentecostPentecost Death New Life Time to Adjust Letting Go New Spirit to live the new life Paschal Cycle
On your reflection handout describe a current situation in which you are having difficulty dealing with change.On your reflection handout describe a current situation in which you are having difficulty dealing with change. When you look at the change, what thoughts, feelings, and emotions surface for you?When you look at the change, what thoughts, feelings, and emotions surface for you? — Describe Your Situation —
Often what arises with change for us is a sense of fear. Can you identify any fear you have/had about this change?Often what arises with change for us is a sense of fear. Can you identify any fear you have/had about this change? Are there any obstacles/barriers you have encountered in yourself or others concerning the change?Are there any obstacles/barriers you have encountered in yourself or others concerning the change?
— Describe Your Situation — Do you find that your initial reaction to the change is your usual reaction to most changes you encounter?Do you find that your initial reaction to the change is your usual reaction to most changes you encounter?
“There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy.” Jonathan Swift Jonathan Swift English Writer English Writer
THECHEESEEXPERIENCE An A-mazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work & Life by Spencer Johnson, M.D. Based on the # 1 Bestselling Business Book
Featuring “Hem” & “Haw” and “Sniff” & “Scurry” Characters Who Represent The People We All Work With and Live With Everyday — Including Ourselves — Including Ourselves
Who Moved My Cheese? The Movie Understanding Through Animation
The End...or is it... A New Beginning? Move With The Cheese And Enjoy It!
What can you use from the story to apply to your change struggle?
What might God be bringing forth from this change which is positive?
Any Darwinian will tell you, when challenged by change, the fatal response is denial. Author Unknown Author Unknown
The ‘LEAP’ of Faith L = LearningL = Learning E = ExperienceE = Experience A = ActionA = Action P = PrayerP = Prayer
The ‘LEAP’ of Faith “O Lord, remember not only the men and woman of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all of the suffering they have inflicted upon us: Instead remember the fruits we have borne because of this suffering, our fellowship, our loyalty to one another, our humility, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart that has grown from this trouble. And when our persecutors come to be judged by you, let all of these fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness."
The ‘LEAP’ of Faith FAITH