A Tale of Two Surveys Metropolitan State College of Denver Faculty Senate Marilyn Cullen-Reavill, Diane Davis, Christopher Jennings & Aaron S. Richmond
What & how did we do this? Step 1: Determine categories to classify items Step 2: Three raters individually categorize each item from each survey Step 3: Reach consensus on items that did not load consistently Step 4: Determine the similarities and differences in results between the two surveys
Categories Leadership Shared Governance RTP Resources Differentiated work load Faculty Compensation Master’s Program Center for Faculty Development Performance Expectations Work Environment Diversity Background checks Campus Climate
Leadership Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences B1(1). President B1(2). Dean B1(3). Chair B1(4). Senate B1(5). Union 7. Chair 12. Chair 15. Chair 19. Chair 20. Chair 24. Chair 27. Senior leadership 32. Senior leadership 37. Senior leadership 41. Senior leadership 47. Chair 48. Senior leadership 56. Leadership 79. Trust in Senior Leadership Similarities: Feelings about chair are positive Feelings about Dean are positive to neutral Feelings about President and senior leadership are neutral or bipolar Differences: Senior leadership viewed as positive on ModernThink Survey and views of senior leadership specifically President is split on senate survey
Shared Governance Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences C1(4). Shared Governance C4. P4P Approval 8. my offered ideas will be fully considered 13. Opportunities to contribute to important decisions in dept 20. chair actively solicits my suggestions 21. communicate openly about issues that impact each other’s work 22. Change affecting me are discussed prior to implementation 38. role of faculty in shared governance is clear 39. faculty are appropriately involved in educational decisions 42. faculty, admin, and staff are involved in planning 43. we discuss and debate issues respectfully – neutral to positive 46. faculty staff, and admin work together to ensure success of programs and initiatives 55. communication between faculty, admin, and staff 80. staff’s role in shared governance is clear Similarities: Both show uncertainty in implementation of campus wide shared governance Differences: Senate survey results are positive. ModernThink survey is generally neutral.
RTP Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences D1(1). Good system to evaluate faculty performance D1(2). RTP is fair D1(3). Requirements for RTP are clear F21. Release time satisfaction 16. Promotions based on ability 17. review process accurately measures job performance 40. teaching is appropriately recognized in the evaluation process 63. evaluation process is efficient Similarities: Evaluation system is viewed negatively. And the RTP process is neither positive or negative Differences: Clarity of RTP process is strongly viewed as negative in Senate survey and is split in the ModernThink Survey
Resources Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences F1(1) Resources for teaching F1(2). Resources for PD F1(3). Resources for advising F1(4). Resources for service F1(5)**?? F1(6)**?? 4. Provided resources to be effective 28. dept has adequate faculty/staff 31. facilities meet needs 62. good use of resources, time and budget 78. appropriate resources for technology Similarities: Facilities seen as somewhat negative & positive Appropriateness of technology is seen as somewhat negative & positive Differences: Senate survey has teaching resources as positive but ModernThink as negative -Overall, ModernThink is neutral on resources while senate is split on resources
Differentiated Workload Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences C1(1). Differentiated Workload C2.Approval of Diff Workload C22(1) Implementation of Diff Workload F7(7). Support for online classes F7(8). Sabbatical opportunities F7(9). Release time 1. Job makes good use of my skills and abilities 33. good balance of teaching, service, and research Similarities: There is a good balance of workload Implementation of workload is viewed negatively Differences: ModernThink survey specifies a negative feeling towards a balance of teaching, service, and research.
Faculty Compensation Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences C1(3). P4P C22(3). P4P Implementation G1(1). Salary G1(2). Healthcare Benefits G1(3). Retirement Benefits G1(4). Summer Pay G1(5). Tuition Reimbursement G1(6). Tuition for Family H1(9). Compensated fairly compared to other faculty in dept H1(10). Compensated fairly compared to faculty in other departments 11. fair pay 34. benefits meet my needs Similarities: Salary is viewed poorly Differences: The senate survey is very split across the different benefits. Overall, the ModernThink survey labels benefits as neutral to positive Only Senate Survey looked at Tuition for faculty and family which was viewed as a negative Only Senate Survey looked at health care – and retirement Only ModernThink looked at recognition which was neutral overall
Center for Faculty Development Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences C1(7). Center for faculty development C22(7). Implementation of Center for fac. Development 6. opportunity to develop skills 30. orientation program prepares new faculty to be effective Similarities: None Differences: Senate positive while ModernThink survey was generally neutral
Performance Expectations Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences D1(4). Dossier preparation clear D1(5). Dossier preparation reasonable D1(6). Annual evaluation clear D1(7).Annual evaluation reasonable E1(1). Teaching expectation E1(2). PD expectation E1(3). Advising expectation E1(4). Service expectation 3.chair makes expectations clear 10. understand requirements to advance career 18. Low performance issues are addressed in dept 35. recognition and awards programs are meaningful 65. performance factored into merit increase 77. reasonable workload Similarities: Both note a negative workload (Senate regarding Dossier Prep) Differences: The senate survey is split (annual evaluation is clear) while the ModernThink survey clarity of expectations statements are positive The PD expectation is negative in Senate survey while neutral in the ModernThink survey
Work Environment Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences H1(1). Work valued by peers H1(2). Work valued by administration H1(3). Colleagues treat me with respect H1(5). Time valued by colleagues H1(6) time valued by administration H1(7). Useful feedback re performance H1(8). Dept provides good mentors H1(11). Students treat with respect 2. Responsibility and freedom to do 7. receive feedback from chair that helps 9. regularly recognized for my contributions 14. allowed to speak up or challenge tradition safely 23. people in dept work well together 25. overall, dept a good place to work 26. I can count on cooperation across depts. 29. reasonable steps for safe and secure environment 44. policies and practices ensure fair treatment 51. appropriate recognition of good teaching 52. milestones and accomplishments celebrated 53. flexibility to manage work and life 58. all on same team 60. great place to work 61. address conflict in dept 64. complain w/out losing job Similarities: Collaboration and working with peers is positive in both. Respect is positive in both. Differences: Overall work environment for the Senate Survey is positive while the ModernThink Survey is neutral
Diversity Senate Survey ItemsModern Think SurveySimilarities & Differences C1(6). Hispanic Serving Institution C22(6). Hispanic Serving Institution Implementation I1(1). Gays and lesbians I1(2). Transgendered people I1(3). People with disabilities I1(4). Men I1(5). Women I1(6) Whites I1(7). People of color I1(8). People of faith I1(9). Agnostics/Atheists I21(1) Experienced discrimination due to gender I21(2). Experienced discrimination due to sexual orientation I21(3). Experienced discrimination due to disability status I21(4). Experienced discrimination due to race/ethnicity I21(5). Experienced discrimination due to religion I21(6) Experienced discrimination due to age H1(1). Work valued by peers H1(2). Work valued by administration H1(3). Colleagues treat me with respect H1(4) Safe on campus 45. people are supportive regardless of background 50. sufficient emphasis on diverse faculty, staff, admin 54. procedures for dealing with discrimination 66. different genders treated equally 67. different ethnicities treated equally 68. Different sexual orientations treated equally 69. different abilities treated equally 70. different religions treated equally 73. genuine effort to involve diverse group on college initiatives 74. efforts to support valuing of differences Similarities: With the exception of pay is viewed as unfair compared to other institutions, all other items were viewed positively. Differences: None
Categories That Did Not Have Items Load From Both Surveys Overall Campus Climate Senate SurveyModern Think Survey No Items36. proud to be part of institution – POSITIVE 59. culture is special – POSITIVE 71. expression of different opinions, styles, and perceptions supported – POSITIVE 72. campus is pretty – POSITIVE Background Checks Senate SurveyModern Think Survey C1(5). Background checks-POSITIVE C12. Approval of background checks-POSITIVE C22(5). Implementation of background checks-POSITIVE No Items Master’s Program Senate Survey ItemsModern Think Survey C1(2). Masters Program-POSITIVE C22(2). Implementation of masters program-POSITIVE No Items
Top Most Negative Rated Items Pay Adequate staff in department Evaluation process is friendly and efficient Merit increases Reasonable workload P4P Performance factored into merit increase, Good system to evaluate performance Dossier preparation Annual evaluation reasonable Requirements for RTP are clear Resources for PD
Top 10 Most Positive Rated Items Loyalty Department uses resources well Sufficient emphasis on diverse faculty Actively contributes to community Chair supports balance People support colleagues regardless of background Pride Dept. good Good relationship with chair People in department work well together