Beyond the Walls: OUTREACH By Maria Gentle and Mariela Aguilar April 2009
OUTREACH: What is it? Effort by individuals in an organization or group to connect its ideas or practices to the efforts of other organizations, groups, specific audiences or the general public. Goal: engagement (not just dissemination or education) Strategies: linked to the organization’s mission, and definite targets, goals, and milestones. Non-profits, civic groups, churches.
SIX STEPS TO CREATING A LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM Identify the underserved areas of your community Locate social service agencies and/or community groups currently working in underserved areas Develop a plan to implement library outreach service
SIX STEPS TO CREATING A LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM Contact potential partners Develop a program Implement a program
STEPS FOR DEVELOPING A LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM See the BIG PICTURE Hire the best Get staff the best training you can Listen to your potential users Don’t do it alone
STEPS FOR CREATING A LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM Network Get involved in the profession Get ownership of outreach services from all library staff Gather information that helps you justify your service Change and evolve as situations demand
STEPS FOR CREATING A LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM Promote your services well Learn about community development
SOME PROGRAMMING IDEAS Story programs at local daycares and schools Participation in existing school and community literacy events Involvement in local special events
SOME PROGRAMMING IDEAS Storytelling and/or library presentations at family/community resource centers and schools Participation in after school programs Develop and “Alert” and/or “Table of Contents” service Provide activities for people with special needs
SOME PROGRAMMING IDEAS Made the library’s catalog available 24/7 to everyone through the web Provide a library webpage Organize reading clubs in different community locations Develop programs to assist with career preparation in schools Etc, etc, etc…
For more information… Visit ALA’s Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS): boutala/offices/olos/inde x.cfm boutala/offices/olos/inde x.cfm