Understanding the Battle.  Peirazo- trial, testing, temptation  Neutral  Determining Factor: desired outcome.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding the Battle

 Peirazo- trial, testing, temptation  Neutral  Determining Factor: desired outcome

 Satan= sin, followed by the sin spiral  “Steal, Kill, Destroy”  God= growth, maturity, purify, glory  “Predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ”

 God uses peirazo for our growth and his glory  God uses Satan’s peirazo his purposes, too!

 Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat- Luke 22:31  Permission!  Why?  What does that mean?

 …But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”- vs. 32  What did Jesus pray for?  What did Jesus not pray for?

 …But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”- vs. 32  Jesus knew Peter would betray him  Did Jesus reject Peter?

 Why not?  What does that say about you?  What’s God’s plan for Peter after he returns to the Lord? Why him?

 But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death”- vs. 33  Peter replied, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will”- Matt. 26:33  How would you characterize Peter’s attitude?

 Pride deceives  Can mask as many things: loyalty, commitment, love, concern, etc.

 In the end, pride always leads to a spiritual fall  Why?

 Peter denies Christ three times

 After the resurrection, Peter still doesn’t restore the relationship  Why not?

 “Go ahead, lots of people do. God loves you- you have grace. You can confess it later…”  “I can’t believe you just did that! How can you call yourself a Christian?”  “You don’t deserve to be forgiven. God’s very disappointed in you. You might as well give up”

 Causes:  Isolation  Hypocrisy  Works-Oriented Religion  Condemnation

 BToL: No one is an island. Our sin always affects others  Sin leads to loss of purpose, call, the sense of love and security in relationship with God  Peter goes back to fishing- with a bunch of the disciples

 Satan is rejoicing  Peter faced peirazo- and failed miserably  He didn’t repent quickly, but bought the lie  He forgot his calling and wallowed in guilt and self-pity, taking others with him

 But God is planning  Even Satan is simply a tool God uses to accomplish his greater purpose

 Jesus chases Peter down- shows up at his workplace  When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, "you know that I love you.” Jesus said, "Feed my lambs”- John 21:15

 Not:  Are you sorry?  Do you feel guilty?  Told you so!

 Do you love me? The issue is NOT:  Forgiveness- cross takes care of that  Sorrow- Peter wept bitterly  Reparations- he can’t pay enough  The issue is love- turns failure into redemption

 Love is unconditional  Love never leaves or forsakes  Love accepts the prodigal when he returns  Love finds joy in the object of love

 Feed my lambs  Get back in the game! Why?  That was a huge part of Satan’s plan- take Peter out, make him ineffective and apathetic

 Strength and confidence don’t come from sitting on the sidelines, watching the game  Strength and confidence come from following the call of God on our lives to minister as he has gifted each of us

 Why would Jesus want Peter to do anything- esp. in leadership?  Why wasn’t the call on Peter’s life revoked?

 Jesus knew Peter would betray him before he ever placed the call on Peter’s life- yet he still called him  What does that tell us about God?  What does that tell us about us?

 How would Peter change as a result of the peirazo and his fall into sin?  How might that affect future ministry?  Gal. 2 vs. Paul and co-laboring in the gospel

 Peter Became…  Humble  Sure of the Call  A Man of Impact for Christ in the Early Church  Committed and Ready to Die for Christ

 Where am I right now in testing and temptation?  Do I honestly believe God can use my failures for my growth and his glory?  Am I willing to let him?

 What is my call? (Bigger than self)  What experiences does God want to use to bless others?  What gifts and abilities has God given me for his glory and the encouragement of his people?

 Questions, Comments, Disagreements?