1 Final Exam Review Part 3 9 th Grade Global History and Geography Ms. Marten
2 Medieval Europe ( ) lord provided fiefs (land) in exchange for loyalty and services of vassals (knights) LAND = MONEY $$$ decentralized government-NO strong central government
3 Medieval Europe-Feudalism Manors=Lord’s estate *self-sufficient economic units of the Middle Ages Every manor had a church
4 Feudalism—Japan and Europe No social mobility King and Emperor only figureheads Japan—merchants were viewed as having little social status
5 Feudalism—Japan and Europe Feudalism developed because there was no strong central government in Japan and Europe
6 Medieval Europe-Catholic Church CONTROLLED EVERYTHING! Unified people, gave them a sense of security and common bond (A church was found on every manor) Secular—the church was involved in secular (non-religious) matters
7 Medieval Europe-Catholic Church Gothic cathedrals—Stained glass, flying buttresses, vaults and pointed arches
8 Medieval Europe-Catholic Church Excommunication—controlled people through threat of banishment from church (including kings) Education—monks illuminated (copied) books and provided education at monasteries Canon law—Church laws
9 Medieval Europe-Catholic Church Crusades—Holy Wars—In 1096, Pope Urban II called for knights to join war to win back Jerusalem from the Muslim Turks Promised any knight who died in Crusades would be guaranteed a place in heaven (Pope = power)
10 Decline of Feudalism Effects of the Crusades: 1. New ideas- Arabic, Greek and Roman learning and awareness of other cultures lead to the Renaissance
11 Decline of Feudalism Effects of the Crusades: 2. Increased demand for Eastern goods (silk, spices, teas) 3. Increase in trade
12 Decline of Feudalism Effects of the Crusades: 4. Increase in trade leads to growth in cities 5. Growth in cities leads to breakdown of feudalism and the manor system
13 Decline of Feudalism Black Death(Bubonic Plague): Rats with fleas carried the disease from Asia 2. Entered Europe on trading ships
14 Decline of Feudalism Effect of Black Death: 1. Killed 1/3 of population (25 million people) 2. Loss of faith in Catholic Church and decrease in power of the pope 3. Serfs could demand higher wages in cities due to labor shortages
15 Renaissance ( ) Rebirth in art and learning in Europe Spurred on by returning crusaders from the Byzantine Empire Started in Italian city-states located on the Mediterranean Sea (Venice and Florence)
16 Renaissance ( ) Johann Gutenberg—invented the printing press—helped ideas spread quickly Humanism—new philosophy which focused on the individual uniqueness and achievement *People began to question traditional authority (Catholic Church)
17 Renaissance ( ) Art: –Michelangelo: Painted Sistine Chapel Ceiling
18 Renaissance ( ) Art: –Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Man—skilled in a wide variety of areas