Eye Conditions Matthew 6:19-24. Introduction-1 Sight is our most prized sensation Without it we would be greatly limited Our spiritual sight is even more.


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Presentation transcript:

Eye Conditions Matthew 6:19-24

Introduction-1 Sight is our most prized sensation Without it we would be greatly limited Our spiritual sight is even more important In the context of laying up treasures, Jesus gives an analogy between our physical and our spiritual eyes The physical eye is to the body what desires are to the soul The direction and focus of our physical eyes determine the things that we see

Introduction-2 Likewise our affections and desires determine the things we value, seek and enjoy These are the things that become a part of our inner person They will determine the way we live now and where we will be in eternity Jesus summarized all eye conditions as having either a good eye or a bad eye Let us consider some of the conditions of our spiritual eyes mentioned here and elsewhere in the scriptures

Nearsightedness-1 Some of us have physical myopia (nearsightedness) We can see and distinguish things that are close to us, but we have difficulty seeing objects at a distance Peter said that Christians can become spiritually shortsighted or nearsighted II Pet. 1:9- For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.

Nearsightedness-2 Those who have this condition are almost spiritually blind They can’t see the great blessing of forgiveness of their sins that they have received Neither can they see God’s promises which include an eternal inheritance in Heaven- Heb. 11:13 They are focused on the things of this life that are around them These are the things to which they give most of their time, attention, energy and money

Nearsightedness-3 If uncorrected, those with spiritual nearsightedness will stumble, fall and suffer eternal punishment Peter gives the cause and cure for this condition It results from failing to grow spiritually by adding “these things”- v. 8 Those who are growing spiritually will develop the characteristics Peter mentions (Christian graces) They will never fall and will have an abundant entrance in the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ- vv

Corrupted Vision This is the bad eye to which Jesus referred It is focused on sinful pleasures Nothing is pure to this eye- Titus 1:15 It delights in harming others The wise man described such people as being unable to sleep unless they do evil or cause someone to fall- Prov. 4:16 It will bring spiritual darkness and Divine condemnation in the day of judgment

Double Vision-1 The condition Jesus described in Matt. 6:24 It has an interest in spiritual things But also has a desire for wealth, pleasure and other things that is just as strong or stronger This condition affects one’s whole life- Jas. 1:8 It will hinder discipleship- Jn. 12:43 Exemplified by the rich young ruler- Matt. 19:16-22

Double Vision-2 He came to Jesus desiring to gain eternal life But he thought more of his position and his possessions than obeying Jesus He went away sorrowful- v. 22 Double vision produces a divided loyalty that robs God of love and honor It produces a weak faith and unanswered prayers- Jas 1:6-7 It may also sacrifice honesty for profit

Double Vision-3 It will cause one to waste time and effort on unimportant things Solomon’s conclusion - Eccl. 2:11 A condition that cannot please God He will not accept a divided loyalty- Mt. 6:24 It will result in the loss of one’s greatest possession- Mk. 8:36-37 And eternal sorrow and regret

Good Vision The good eye to which Jesus referred The ability to see both things that are near and far off It recognizes the greater value of spiritual things whose benefits last beyond this life- I Tim. 4:8 It is shown in frequent worship, constant gratitude and complete obedience to God’s word It will put His kingdom and righteousness first- Matt. 6:33 And will trust Him to provide all our needs

The Reward of Good Vision Provides happiness that lasts The meaning of blessed in the beatitudes Produces the most useful life That will be a blessing to family, friends and neighbors- Matt. 5:16 Help in time of trouble and sorrow- Heb. 13:5 It will result in lasting treasures in Heaven- Mt. 6:20 How are your spiritual eyes this morning?