What’s your best idea to make cities more successful?
What is the Knight Cities Challenge? The Knight Cities Challenge seeks new ideas from innovators who will take hold of the future of our cities. Applications are open from Oct. 1 to Nov. 14, The challenge offers grants of all sizes from a pool of $5 million.
What are we looking for? Ideas that focus on one or all of these three key drivers of city success: Talent - Attract and keep the best and brightest. Opportunity - Expand economic prospects and break down divides. Engagement - Spur connection and civic involvement. Your project must be located in and benefit one of the 26 Knight communities.
No project is too small — so long as your idea is big.
Who should apply? Anyone with big ideas and the ability to realize them. Activists, designers, artists, planning professionals, hackers, architects, city officials, educators, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, block captains, social workers. Everyone is welcome!
How it works The initial application has only two questions, asking for answers in 150 words or less You don’t need to give a budget or amount. Finalists will be asked to further develop their ideas. Applications are open Oct. 1 to Nov. 14, 2014.
Apply today at KnightCities.org.