Unit 3: Age of Exchange Final Exam Review Jeapordy By: Samantha Stretz and Megan DiBartolo
VocabularyImportant Events & Achievements Geography / Weather Conditions Important People and Civilizations Social Classes & Government Religion
Vocabulary - 50 What is lay investiture? Answer: The appointment of religious officials by kings or nobles Click to Reveal Answer
Vocabulary What's the Inquisition? Answer: A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy Click to Reveal Answer
Vocabulary What is simony? Answer: The buying or selling of a position in a Christian church Click to Reveal Answer
Vocabulary What is the 3 Field System? Answer: A system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farmland was divided into 3 fields of equal size and each of these was successfully planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted. Click to Reveal Answer
Vocabulary What does the following types of economy consist of: market, command, traditional, and mixed? Answer: – Market: Private owned buisnesses based on supply and demand – Traditional: People produce most of what is needed to survive – Command: Government controls what is produced and the means of production – Mixed: Free enterprise with government control with combined aspects of command and market economies Click to Reveal Answer
Vocabulary What is feudalism? Answer: A political system in which nobles are granted the use of land that legally belonged to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land. Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements - 50 What advances did the Islamic civilization have in the areas of math and science? Answers include: C-Section, Learning Centers, the charting of stars/comets/planets, universities, the conduction of experiments Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements What was the point of the Crusades? Answer: An attempt to win back the Holy Land (Palestine) from the Muslims Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements The Dark Age took place between During this time, what did 10% of a person’s income go to and what was this payment known as? Answer: 10% of a person’s income went to the Catholic Church as a tax. This was known as a tithe Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements Why were the Crusades important for Europe? Answers Include: Kings had a better chance to unite the country under one ruler ; Led to and increase in cultural diffusion with the spread of Muslim ideas Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements What did the manor system provide in Feudal Europe? Answer: Housing, land, and protection from the lords for peasants and serfs. Click to Reveal Answer
Important Events & Achievements What is the significance of the rats in the political cartoon? Answer: The Bubonic Plague was spread world wide by rats on cargo ships Click to Reveal the Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions - 50 What effects did the Topography of Japan’s seas have on its history? Answer: Japan’s seas both isolated Japan and protected it from invasion, allowed fishing as an occupation, increased ethnocentrism, linked the islands of Japan to other Asian civilizations, and created a homogenous socicety. Click to Reveal Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions Name the direction in which the following lines run? Answer: – Prime Meridian: North to South – Equator: West to East – Latitude: West to East – Longitude: North to South Click to Reveal Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions How have monsoons geographically affected the environments of ancient civilizations? Answers Include: Created deltas by the deposits of silt at the mouth of a river due to excess water flow, flooding Click to Reveal Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions What causes desertification? Answer: winds, overgrazing or animals, and old fashion methods of farming Click to Reveal Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions What is a subcontinent? Answer: A large landmass that forms a distinct part of a continent Click to Reveal Answer
Geography / Weather Conditions With the use of which geographic features were Vikings able to further invade Russia? Answer: Rivers and Seas Click to Reveal Answer
Important People & Civilizations - 50 What is Ibn Battuta stressing his criticism about? Answer: He is upset that the people of Mali don’t practice Islam’s moral code as strictly as they do their studies of the Qur’ran Click to Reveal Answer Primary Source: “There is seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. Their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least at of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveler nor inhabitant has anything to fear from robbers.” Ibn Battuta, Quoted in Africa in the Days of Exploration
Important People & Civilizations In medieval architecture, the flying buttress, pointed arches, stained glass windows, tall spires, and ribbed vaults are all related to which style? Answer: Gothic Click to Reveal Answer
Important People & Civilizations- 150 This person ruled around 800 AD and was one of the most powerful leaders of the Franks? Answer: Charlemagne Click to Reveal Answer
Important People & Civilizations In the trading empires of Africa, what did the lineage consist of? Give two examples. Answer: The lineage consisted of the decedents of a family from a common ancestor; living, dead, and unborn. Examples include patrilineal and matrilineal inheritances Click to Reveal Answer
Important People & Civilizations Who was Pope Urban II ? Answer: He was the Pope who called for a “holy war” to gain back the Holy War Click to Reveal Answer
Important People & Civilizations What was the job of the shogun in feudal Japan? Answer: A supreme military commander who ruled in the name of the emperor. Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government – 50 In Feudal Japan, what did the roles of the Samurai, shogun, and daimyo consist of? Answer: – Samurai: A professional warrior who served Japanese feudal lords – Shogun: A supreme military commander who ruled in the name of the emperor – Daimyo: Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government What was the divine approval thought to be the basis of authority? Answer: Mandate of Heaven Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government This was how the Roman Catholic Church took away a person’s right of membership ? Answer: Excommunication Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government The specific job of skilled weaver or potter was known as a specialization and.. ? Answer: An Artisan Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government What are the jobs of the government types: democracy, autocracy, theocracy, monarchy, & dictatorship? Answer: – Monarchy: Power is in the hands of a single ruler – Theocracy: Government is controlled by a religious ruler and is viewed as a divine figure. – Autocracy: Ruler has unlimited power – Democracy: Controlled by the citizens directly or through representatives – Dictatorship: Ruler holds complete power Click to Reveal Answer
Social Classes & Government Specifically, what are the differences between the social classes in Japanese and European Feudalism? Answer: Japanese Social Class: Emperor, daimyo, samurai, commoners. European Social Class: King, lord, vassal, knight, serf, and peasant Click to Reveal Answer
Religion – 50 Who was the Islamic God and where did his Muslim followers pray toward? Answer: The Islamic God = Allah, His followers prayed toward Mecca Click to Reveal Answer
Religion In the following illustration of the medieval manor, what is the significance of the placement of the church? The Church was surrounded by fences and placed a distance away from manor kitchens and mills for fear that fire might burn it down. The Church was what provided people living on the manor with unity, stability, and order. Click to Reveal Answer
Religion What were the 5 Pillars of Wisdom in Islam? Answer: Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms, & Hajj Click to Reveal Answer
Religion What role did the Catholic Church play in education during Feudal Europe? Answer: Preserved learning by: running the only schools and copied the Greek and Roman ideas from the Muslims Click to Reveal Answer
Religion During the golden age of Islam, Jews and Christians we still allowed to ? Answer: Worship Click to Reveal Answer
Religion In monasteries, what important role did monks take on and how did it effect culture? Answer: Monks were scribes, and they preserved cultures and learning through their writing. Click to Reveal Answer