SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now Summer Institute 2015 Opening Plenary.


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Presentation transcript:

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now Summer Institute 2015 Opening Plenary

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now- On the Move Together Robert Balfanz 2015 DNSI Keynote

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now Mission: Building Pathways from Poverty to Post-Secondary Success By: 1)Transforming the Whole School 2)Providing the Right Intervention to the Right Student at the Scale and Intensity Required 3) Creating the Conditions for Continuous Improvement In The Nation’s Most High Needs Middle and High Schools

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now journey First Pilot School-Feltonville Middle School-Philadelphia National Field Test Schools , (Denny and Aki still implementing) Investing in Innovation (I3) Award-Randomized Field Trial (I3) – Phase to First graduating Middle School Students from i3 Cohort , Cohort First DN I3 graduating High School Students; Cohort English, Booker T. Washington, and Newton High Schools I3 Phase to

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now impacts beyond our schools Demonstrating the importance of combating chronic absenteeism, finding alternatives to suspension, and helping students get good grades-the ABC’s of Student Success-USDOE launching major initiatives to combat Chronic Absenteeism and Spread Early Warning Systems Demonstrating the power of taking an evidence-based approach to school reform. Informed the strong stance on evidence based reforms in Senate Help Committee Re-authorization Bill for Elementary and Secondary Education Act

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now impacts beyond our schools Created one of the largest cross-district networked improvement communities in US. Demonstrated the power of non-profits and school partners intentionally integrating their efforts to make the whole stronger than the components

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now is a powerful antidote to the challenging times we live in

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Poverty has increased in the past decade making it much harder to be a child

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Number of people living in concentrated poverty 9

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Neighborhood poverty has increased substantially …. as poverty has spread, it has not done so evenly. Instead, it has also become more clustered and concentrated in distressed and high-poverty neighborhoods, eroding the brief progress made against concentrated poverty during the late 1990s. Brookings Institute Report on Growth and Spread of Concentrated Poverty



SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Double burden of poverty Being low-income or poor in a high-poverty neighborhood creates a double burden Beyond their own family circumstances, students must confront the poverty of those around them 13 The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America,

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Double burden of poverty

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Neighborhood poverty levels in Baltimore City

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Neighborhood poverty levels in Ferguson, MO

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Neighborhood poverty levels in Detroit

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK 18 The number of students being distracted and stressed by out-of- school struggles is 2-to-3 times higher in areas of concentrated poverty and reaches a level where it can impact the whole class (8-10 students or more in a class) The number of students being distracted and stressed by out-of- school struggles is 2-to-3 times higher in areas of concentrated poverty and reaches a level where it can impact the whole class (8-10 students or more in a class)


SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK When the double burden of being low- income and living in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty is not met with sufficient school reforms and student supports unmet student needs lower key outcomes

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Impact of poverty on graduation rates High school graduation rates by neighborhood concentrated poverty (at 40% level)

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Impact of poverty on graduation rates Economically disadvantaged students’ high school graduation rates by neighborhood concentrated poverty (at 40% level)

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Over the past 5 years schools have had to meet increased student need with fewer dollars to spend

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK From , per student funding declined in 4 of 5 states

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Federal funding also declined from 2010 to 2013

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK The success Diplomas Now has had in schools and with high needs students in an era when need increased and resources declined is a testament to the will and skill of the folks in the room and creates an imperative for us to keep going

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Diplomas Now Next Steps

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK What is the national challenge?

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK 310,000 more graduates are needed by the class of 2020 for the nation to reach a 90% High School Graduation Rate That’s 3 Rose Bowl Stadiums Scale of the national challenge

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Who do the additional graduates need to be for 90% of all students to graduate?

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK 90% with equity requires Four of Five to be Low Income One of Three to be African American One of Three to be Latino One in Five to English Language Learners Two in Five to be Students with Disabilities

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK What is the local challenge?

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK At the local level the challenge is at the arena and large theater level Scale of the local challenge



SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK How do we get more graduates in DN schools? Complete the extension of the I3 study to demonstrate impacts on high school graduation and 9 th grade success Create DN feeder patterns where we can so our students are fully supported from 6 th to 12 th grade

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Continue to strengthen our network so we can learn from each other and take on new challenges as a networked improvement community - i.e. our PepsiCo Foundation Design Challenge 1 and PepsiCo Foundation Design Challenge 2. Work together to enable DN schools to become continuous improvement schools How do we get more graduates in DN schools?

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Continuous improvement schools A new theory of school reform Brought to you by the DN Principals Network Traditional view of school reform is- you identify what is needed to improve a school, implement it, and if it works you fight like crazy to maintain it. Success leads to a defensive posture. Result is, after a period, reforms often dissipate as forces which chip away at fidelity (funding cuts, staff mobility etc.) are greater than those which maintain it.

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Insight of DN principals is best defense is a good offense DN supports enable highly challenged schools to reform and improve enough that they can focus energies on the sub-set of issues or sub-sets of students which still need to be addressed or further supported In short, schools can move to a state of continuous improvement which is core operating posture of truly great schools This conceptual shift enables them to ignite their growth engine-and focus on getting better and better rather than just maintaining the initial improvements Continuous improvement DN schools

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Use Diplomas Now tools and supports and structures to analyze the challenges that remain, develop new solutions, test their impact, modify as needed, and share their learning with others In this conference will also be introduced to some continuous improvement tools from other fields along with the concept of a growth mindset to help spark our growth engines. Will also be related sessions on recent findings in the learning sciences and the impact of poverty Continuous improvement DN schools

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK PepsiCo Foundation Design Challenges Winners of Pepsi Design Challenge 1-how to support 12 th graders so they graduate ready for post-secondary success and 8 th graders so they are ready to succeed in high school-will be announced tomorrow. Their tools will be shared throughout the DN Network Today, launching Pepsi Design Challenge 2. Will have awards for the DN middle and high Schools who spark their growth engine and demonstrate strong use of continuous improvement practices during the school year.

SUMMER INSTITUTEJULY 7-8, 2015 | TULSA, OK Enjoy the Conference!!!! Get Your Growth Mindset On!!