Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing and correction
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 What do we write?
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 A form to be filled in A formal letter of … An informal letter … Postcard Note List Sentence Paragraph Sign Fax Instructions Comment on others work Review Advert Brochure Message Story Description Definition Article Report Proposal
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 Writing syllabus at ELI
20/11/08 Writing What our students should be thinking about when they are writing:
20/11/08 Writing has various SUB-SKILLS: Co____________ Pu____________ A__________ of reader La____________ At__________ of text Overall ________ of text Level of ap__________ / formality
20/11/08 Writing has various SUB-SKILLS: Cohesion Coherence Punctuation Awareness of reader Layout Attitude of text Overall message of text Level of appropriacy / formality
20/11/08 Match the activity with the sub-skill of writing it is practising
20/11/08 Correction: Is it any use? What message are we sending to our students?
20/11/08 Is it any use? Doesn’t really matter – our students expect and need correction.
20/11/08 The context: STUDENT: A 12 year-old girl from Spain, Ana. At the end of her first year of secondary school and of a first year coursebook. TASK: Telling an adventure story ‘Jane Bond goes to Seal Island’. TEXT-TYPE: a film review based on narrative (i.e. plot not characterisation) LANGUAGE FOCUS: present simple review, 3rd person subject/object pronouns SENTENCE WORK: combining sentences with ‘and’ and linking sentences with ‘then’, ‘finally’ VOCABULARY: action verbs, forms of transport
20/11/08 Jane Bond is a secret agent. In this film she goes to Seal Island to take photographs of a secret rocket. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. She drives boat to Seal Island. Then she climbs up the rock and take photographs in a big house. In there there is a bus, rocket, lorry and people. Then some man catches she with a gun. When he asleep Jane escapes. Then she goes to boat and climbs on to the ladder into the helicopter. Then she escapes.
20/11/08 What would you give this piece of writing out of 10?
20/11/08 P Sp WW WV T GR PREP EXP L1 TR WO SING PL GER INF ? !! √ √√ \ ^ Punctuation Spelling Wrong word Wrong verb Wrong tense Grammar Wrong preposition Incorrect expression Use of Spanish Translation Word order Singular needed Plural needed Gerund needed Infinitive needed I don’t understand What? Good Very good Extra word Word missing
20/11/08 There are 3 main ways of using such a correction code: 1. Correction – student errors are clearly identified and corrected by the TEACHER …photographs of a secret rockedt. She drives drove a car to the beach and get a got into a boat.
20/11/08 2. Controlled correction – student errors are clearly indicated but not corrected by the teacher …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. spT T
20/11/08 3. Guided correction – 3 possibilities -locate errors but don’t tell what type they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. -tell what type of error and how many, but don’t tell where they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. -tell what type of error and how many and where they are …photographs of a secret rocked. She drives car to the beach and get a boat. T x 2, ^ x 2
20/11/08 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this correction code?
20/11/08 -the time and effort we put into correcting student work is not necessarily proportional to the effect it has on student learning -not all homework has to be corrected for grammatical accuracy -be consistent with the code, make sure students know what you’re on about -be selective about amount of errors to be corrected -tell students you’ll only be correcting for ½ the areas -try and let students know they are writing to learn how not just to be assessed
Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subtítulo del patrón 20/11/08 The message we send our students if we always correct this way: Register isn’t important if you don’t make mistakes in grammar. To pass you don’t need to produce any complex sentences, just get the basic grammar right. I will give your work a mark based on how much of the grammar you got right. Just stick to what you know and don’t try anything – you might get it wrong. I will only correct spelling mistakes, the other criteria are not important. I will give points for accuracy, never for content
20/11/08 We need to PRIORITISE and SELECT errors... Look at Ana’s composition. What errors / areas would you select for further work for - Ana herself - her whole class
20/11/08 Remember! At FCE we should encourage experimentation – they do, in fact, not get penalised for being adventurous and getting it wrong.
20/11/08 Other ways of correcting...
Today I got up and had a breastfuck.
20/11/08 redrafting
20/11/08 1.from a different person’s point of view 2.as a speed writing exercise 3.in pairs 4.pass it on 5.do someone else’s 6.rewrite on computer
20/11/08 Marking – the results... Mark out of 10 Group 1Group 2Group 3 Us!