Kindergarten Creekview Elementary
General Information Doors open at 8:10 Rise and Shine begins at 8:35 Tardy Bell rings at 8:40 Dismissal begins at 3:40 School phone number:
Math Identifies the number associated with a collection of objects Classifies and sorts two and three dimensional figures Compares sets of objects to 20 as more/less/same Reads, writes, represents numbers 0-20 Count forward and backward to 20 Compares written numbers to 20 as more/less/same Composes and decomposes numbers to 10 Draws conclusions from real-objects and picture graphs Generates a set representing a number that is more/less/same as a given number of 20 Generates a number one more than or less than a given number to 20 Compares two object's measurable attributes as more/less/same Recites numbers to 100 by ones and tens given any starting number Solves problems finding sums up to 10 and differences within 10
Reading Listens and participates in shared reading Responds to text by talking about setting, characters, problem(s), and events in a story Retells text, with teacher support, by sequencing and including details of a story heard or read Independently previews text and makes appropriate predictions Uses high frequency words in reading Matches one spoken word with one printed word Reads patterned text using pictures and oral language cues Searches for and uses information in print (letters and sounds, known words, punctuation marks) Identifies letters and the sounds they represent Identifies high frequency words Segments one-syllable words into letter sounds Uses knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode words Recognizes that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted Orally generates rhymes and distinguishes rhymes from non-rhymes Hears the different parts of a word (syllable)
Writing Generates content and topics for writing Shares writing with others Uses knowledge of letter-sound relationships to decode words Writes to tell a story and communicate information Communicates and makes meaning (through drawings, letter strings, letter approximations) Writes name Copies names, familiar words, labels, objects, and places Makes an effort to reread writing Makes an effort to correct and improve writing Uses high frequency words in writing Writes letters with correct formation Writes text using basic conventions of print (top to bottom, left to right, spacing) Capitalizes first letter in a sentence, uses punctuation at the end of a sentence (period) Uses upper and lower case letters appropriately
Folders Daily Folders (blue): Check folder daily and remove all work or notes from school. This folder needs to be signed DAILY please. Place all communication from you to me in the front pocket. I check the folders every morning. Homework Folder (blue): Practice sight words weekly until your child has mastered all words. Please encourage correct letter formation when writing letters/words at home. Home Reader (Bag): Home readers will start in November. These are books which your child has read in reading group. Read the book(s) multiple times at home to practice fluency. Poetry Folder and Writing Folder (red, green): These folders will be used at school. Occasionally, we may send these folders home and we will send instructions with them at that time.
Home Readers This is an example of where students should be at midyear: This is an example of where students should be by February or March:
Transportation changes (This should be in your child’s blue daily folder) Every time your child changes their mode of transportation there needs to be a note written with a signature in order to get approved. You can fax your transportation change along with a photo ID and signature before 3pm. You must also follow up with a phone call to make certain the fax was received. The best way to alert the teacher of a change is to place the note in the student’s daily folder. This will ensure that it gets to the appropriate person. All changes must be made before 3pm. Biker/Walker Students: If we have a rainy day dismissal, I need to know today if your child will be a car rider or ride the bus home in the event that it is raining.
Cafeteria Breakfast: is served from 8:10-8:30. Lunch: Students choose their own items if buying a lunch. Snacks are sold daily. Practice opening packages, juice boxes and cleaning spills. Please practice entering & memorizing their lunch number. Allergies: Due to potential allergies of classmates, please talk to your child about NOT sharing food. You are welcome to have lunch with your child at the parent table. Please say your goodbyes in the cafeteria or by the library. Guests should not be wandering the classroom hallways for the safety of all students. Lunch Money: Place lunch money in a labeled envelope or baggie in the daily folder. You can add money and monitor your child’s account online. This is the best way for everyone.
Library Times: Every week we will have a library lesson and check out a library book. Books need to be returned each week in order to check out a new one. Computer Time: Please provide your child with a set of headphones for the computer lab/class laptops. Practice using computer skills at home such as using a mouse, keyboard and track pad. Snack Time: Students may bring one daily snack. Please pack your child’s snack separate from their lunch so they understand the difference. Please make this an easy-to-eat snack. Water Bottles: Please send a water bottle in addition to their drink for lunch. Students are allowed to drink water as they please inside the classroom. Specials: We have recess and physical education daily. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes. (They get really upset when they have to sit out in P.E)
Birthdays : You may also send in store bought, individual treats to celebrate birthdays. They will be served in the cafeteria during their lunch time. Scholastic Book Orders: We will send home book orders throughout the year. This is an excellent way to purchase books for your child. Your teachers earn money to buy books for your child’s class from your orders as well. Orders will be submitted and paid for online through Scholastic. Dress Code: Make sure dresses or shorts are fingertip length. This includes shirts when leggings are worn. Thin straps, halter tops, holes in jeans are not allowed.