Welcome to Curriculum Night
Car Rider Procedures at Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. Attendance Policy Bus Lot/Fire Lane Transportation Changes Mandated Reporter Law Buzz-In System Blackboard Connect Info. from Administration
Your PTA membership dues enhance the Excellence and Quality of Education at Mountain View: Online Mathematics Program: Sumdog Online Reading Resources: A-Z Reading, BookFlix, Document Cameras for Classroom Instruction Art, Music & Physical Education Support Teacher-requested Curriculum Materials for K-5 th grades (e.g., Bare books) Subscriptions to Time for Kids, USA Weekly, & Georgia Weekly Student Agendas/Planners for 3 rd -5 th grades Enrichment Materials for Special Education, Target, Speech & Language, and Guidance Additional Supplies for our Amazing Building, School Clinic, & Cafeteria Staff Family Engagement Activities (e.g., Fall Festival, Science Night & Bingo Night) Membership Matters Thank you! Together, we make a difference!
Your Foundation Membership dues support Science, Technology & Enrichment Programming: Computer Teacher Computer Lab Science Teacher Science Enrichment and Materials How do I get informed and involved with PTA & Foundation? Subscribe, Receive & Read Pawprints - our weekly PTA e-newsletter at mountainviewpta.org It’s all in here: Visit us on-line – Click on PTA or Foundation links from Mountain View Elementary website: mountainviewpta.org mtnviewfoundation.org Find out about Volunteer Opportunities! Contact or Membership Matters
Walk to School Days ➢ Our PTA Health & Wellness Committee encourages families to Walk to School together when possible. Studies show that students are more ready to learn after 20 minutes of physical activity. Mark your calendars for our school-wide Walk to School Wednesdays: September 2, 2015 October 7, 2015 November 4, 2015 March 2, 2016 April 13, 2016 May 4, 2016
Wellness Wednesdays ➢ Our PTA Health & Wellness Committee encourages families to participate in Wellness Wednesdays beginning next week. Students are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or veggies for snack every Wednesday. ➢ Fruit donations are provided to one grade level each week. ➢ Our Partners in Education and other local businesses in our community are sponsoring this program. Please visit them: Kid Chess, Highland Chiropractic, Omega Learning, Friends and Family Chiropractic, First Citizens Bank, Liberty Mutual Insurance ➢ Visit for more info or
Regular two-way communication Allow at least a 24 -hour response time Friday Folders / Weekly Report Blog Remind 101 Communication
ParentVUE Activation Key Parents of 4 th and 5 th graders please stop by the gym and pick up your ParentVUE activation key! ParentVUE is a great tool to help you monitor your child’s progress and have access to the latest information about your child’s schedule, attendance, and grades.
Math Workshop (including Number Talks) Writer’s Workshop (Lucy Calkins Writing Program) Reader’s Workshop / Daily 5 Enrichment Stations Reading Log due weekly Homework (Monday-Thursday) Spelling test every week Extension science and social studies at home projects. Data-driven instruction Academic Matters
Currently- 40 By December they should be at least on a level 50, for the remainder of the school year. *In fifth grade, students are required to read at least 25 books. What should my child’s reading level be?
Friday Folders Think Sheet Inability to follow classroom rules results in a mark on the behavior sheet. More than 5 marks for behavior in a nine- week period constitutes an N in the behavior section of the report card and a loss of awards at the end of the year. This includes all specialist classes (music, art, PE, computer lab) More serious behavioral infractions will be followed with a phone call home and/or a trip to the office and a behavior reflection sheet. Behavior
Homework, and at-home projects, will be assigned consistently throughout the year. Students will receive a mark in their Friday folders for each homework assignment missed. More than 5 marks for homework in a 9 week period will result in an N in the study habits section of the report card. They will also be ineligible for academic awards at the end of the year. If your child earns a C or below in a specialist class, he or she will also be ineligible for academic awards at the end of the year. Study Habits & Grades
Grades Request to Retest form. Can only be used on tests, not including spelling. The grading scale is as follows: A= B = 80 – 89 C = 74 – 79 D = 70 – 73 F = 69 or below Students are to record assignments in their agendas for you to check each night. Parent signatures are required in agendas each night. 5 th grade homework mandate is 50 minutes of written homework PLUS 20 minutes of reading. Study Habits & Grades Continued…
Grades are weighted in all classes according to the following grading scale: Tests are worth 30% of a student’s final grade. Performance Tasks are worth 30% of a student’s final grade. Quizzes are worth 20% of a student’s final grade. Classwork is worth 20% of a student’s final grade. Study Habits & Grades continued…
IOWA (ITBS)– October 5 th – 8 th GMAP- Georgia Measures of Achievement Ga Milestones (In place of CRCT) April 13 th -22 nd SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) -computer generated reading test given three times a year. DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) -reading test is administered three times a year (unless your child’s reading level is above a 60) Testing
Dress Code: no shorts or skirts shorter than fingertip, no flip flops on P.E. days, no midriff baring or spaghetti strapped tops. Please make sure your child uses deodorant daily…we have P.E. first thing in the morning. Human Growth and development classes have been scheduled for Wednesday, December 16 th and Thursday, December 17 th. Health & Safety
Fifth-Grade Field Trip April 28 th -April 29 th we will go for an overnight trip to Rock Eagle 4H camp. The cost will be ABOUT $ per student. Due to limited sleeping arrangements, there were only be 2 parent chaperones per homeroom. Teachers will pull names from a hat. Parent volunteers will also be expected to pay the full cost.
Fifth-Grade Field Trip 4 meals are included (lunch when we arrive, dinner, breakfast, and lunch before we depart) Each new cabin has 6 bedrooms. (5 bedrooms for kids & 1 or adult chaperones) We will depart at 7:30 am and return after school hours on Friday. You must provide transportation to and from school. More information to follow…
Thank you for coming to curriculum night! We are excited about working with you and your children this year! We’re off to a fantastic start! THANK YOU!