Who turned out the lights? Middle Ages Web Quest
Web Quest Instructions Read each of the following slides and complete the questions. I expect in-depth paragraphs (100+ word minimum) as answers. You may type your answers on Medieval World Review Web Quest template Use the imbedded links on each slide to complete your tasks. This assignment is worth 50 points in your project grade column.
BBC - History - Ancient History in depth: The Fall of Rome Quest #1 Why did the fall of Rome create disorder in Europe? BBC - History - Ancient History in depth: The Fall of Rome
Quest #2 How did Frankish rulers such as Charlemagne gain control of Western Europe? Lecture 20: Charlemagne and the Carolingian Renaissance
Quest #3 How did the Germanic traditions differ from the Roman traditions? Ancient Roman Culture Germanic Tribes and the Conquest of Rome
Quest #4 Why was medieval life organized around feudalism and the manorial system? What were the roles of different members of society such as; knights, vassals, lords, serfs, and merchants? Lecture 21: Feudalism and the Feudal Relationship
Quest #5 Why was the Magna Carta a very significant document? How did it advance individual liberties? Magna Carta Magna Charta and American Law Magna Carta - Awesome Stories
Quest #6 What was the role of the Church and Papacy during the Early Middle Ages? How did the medieval church affect people's lives? Christianity, The Church In The Early Middle Ages
Quest #7 What effect did the Viking raids have on Europe during the Middle Ages? FC42: The Vikings and their impact (c.800-1000 CE) - The Flow of History VIKINGS
apworld - Japanese and European feudalism Quest #8 How was European feudalism similar to Japan? apworld - Japanese and European feudalism [Regents Prep Global History] Political Systems: Feudalism