Facilitator: Jodi Abbott Develop an understanding of children’s interests and developmental needs
Occupational Health and Safety
CHCPR3C Element one: Gather information about the child through Observation Areas of Development: Fine Motor Gross Motor Communication Social Emotional Cognitive
Gather information about the child through Observation What knowledge do we gain from taking observations ? Strengths Needs Interests Abilities Likes/dislikes Behavioural patterns/triggers Family life/influences Skills and knowledge Ability to offer appropriate activities Ideas on how to provide a safe, stimulating and challenging environment Guidance for routines/ rituals and rhythms Provide a diverse and inclusive environment Revision and evidence See with a purpose Allows children to own the program/child focused Analyse are own behaviour Follow a process Identify children's ideas Predict change/sequential growth
Gather information about the child through Observation Why do we need to take group observations? Group Dynamics Routines Triggers To create pedagogy
Gather information about the child through Observation What do we base our observations on? Interests Age and stage Socio cultural influences What we see and hear Facts Sequence Words that describe the skills, interests and behaviours being displayed.
Gather information about the child through Observation Different methods of recording: Anecdotal Running record Check lists Story telling (Please refer to hand out)
Gather information about the child through Observation. Week One Group A Date: Max Tom Mary Suzie Week Two Group B Date: Julie Kyle Sam Harry Week Three Group C Date: Lucy Lizzy William Week Four Group D Date: Zac Meg Jack Sebastian
Gather information about the child through Observation How could you describe in detail the following words ? (Please refer to your handout)
Gather information about the child through Observation Observe the following clip and dot point relevant aspects of development/behaviour being displayed. At the end of the clip write up an anecdotal observation looking back on your dot points, string them together to paint a picture of the development and behaviour unfolding.
Jasmine 2.3 yrs
Interpret observations. What is an interpretation? Interpret your observation/s from the clip shown earlier.
Why is it important to act on what you observe there and then? Now it’s time to be S.M.A.R.T Specific Measurable What is it you want the child to do/experience? Achievable What specific learning, knowledge, skills or Realistic attitudes will be involved in carrying out the Timely activity?
Gather information about the child through Observation/Record observations appropriately What do we need to consider prior to taking observations ? Attendance Organisation Routines Staff ratios Awareness of Focus and planned children The child/children’s wellness/wellbeing Time of Day
Gather information about the child through Observation/Record observations appropriately Discuss Pros and Cons for each method of observing ?
Gather information about the child from secondary sources What are secondary sources? Verbal exchange from other c/g’s, parents etc Communication books, background information, photos. Background information is mostly gained through centre enrolment forms. Some early childhood educators make one up specifically for programming and is distributed to parents prior to their child being the focus child. For relevant up to date details. This help to involve the families into the creation of the program for their own child.
Gather information about the child from secondary sources What questions would be useful on a background information sheet?
Gather information about the child from secondary sources How can secondary information be useful to providing experiences for children within your program? –Socio culture approach –Languages –Experiences /interests at home implemented into the service –Sharing of all the above with a group as a whole –Inclusive/diversity to the program
Gather information about the child from secondary sources Confidentiality you responsibilities? How are observations, enrolment forms and personal details stored ?
Use observations and information collected to understand the child and contribute to program planning How can you contribute to the program? How do you identify the child’s/children’s interests, needs and strengths What strategies do you use to communicate these prior to the program being created What do you look for when reading another’s c/g’s observation? How do you use them with the observed child? How do you use them to inform the child’s parents on their development
Use observations and information collected to understand the child and contribute to program planning Identify needs, strengths and interests. Create an activity to meet the above based on the observations on Jasmine.