1. What are the building blocks of minerals. Elements
2. What is an element. A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. Ag Cu Au
3. What is the element with the chemical symbol N? Nitrogen
4. What is the element with the chemical symbol Cu? Copper
5. What is the element with the chemical symbol Au? Gold
6. Some elements are minerals because they exist is pure form like gold or silver. But, most minerals are ______________ of elements. combinations
O 7. What does the number at the top of each element mean? Atomic Number 8 O 15.999
8. What are the rows in the periodic table called?
9. What are the columns in the periodic table called?
10. Many of the elements in the periodic table are metals 10. Many of the elements in the periodic table are metals. What are the three specific properties of metals? Shaped and drawn into wire Conduct heat Conduct electricity
11. Elements combine to form many different compounds 11. Elements combine to form many different compounds. They are the _________ ________ of the earth’s crust. building blocks
12. All elements are made of __________. atoms
13. What is an atom? Smallest particle of matter.
14. What are the fours parts of an atom? Nucleus Protons Electrons Neutons
15. What kind of electrical charge do each of the atom’s parts have? Electron = Negative Proton = Positive Neutron = None
16. Where, in an atom, are the protons located? Nucleus
17. Where, in an atom, are the electrons located? Around the nucleus in and electron cloud.
18. Where, in an atom, are the neutrons located? Nucleus
19. What does the atomic number tell us about an atom? The number of protons in the nucleus.
20. Oxygen atoms have 8 protons in their nuclei 20. Oxygen atoms have 8 protons in their nuclei. Therefore, an oxygen atom has _____ electrons surrounding its nucleus. 8
21. What are energy levels as related to atoms? Electrons are located in energy levels around the nucleus of an atom.
22. What is an isotope? Atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
O 23. What does the mass number of an atom tell us? 8 15.999 Protons plus neutrons or the total mass of the atom. 8 O 15.999
24. How many different isotopes of carbon are there? 15
25. _____________makes up about 99% of the earth’s crust. Carbon 12
26. What can happen to atoms which have unstable nuclei? Can disintegrate by radioactive decay
27. What is a compound? A substance composed of 2 or more elements
28. What is it called when chemical. elements combine to form other 28. What is it called when chemical elements combine to form other compounds? Bonding
29. Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom in a region called an ____________that exist in different energy levels. electron cloud
30. Each energy level around an atom’s nucleus contains a specific number of electrons. When an atom’s outer most energy level does not contain the maximum number of electrons, the atom is likely to form a ________________ with one or more other atoms. chemical bond
31. What are the 3 principal types of chemical bonds? Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Metallic bond
32. What charge does an atom that gains electrons have? Negative charge
33. What charge does an atom that loses electrons have? Positive charge
34. When an atom has an electrical. charge due to gaining or losing 34. When an atom has an electrical charge due to gaining or losing electrons, it is called an_______. ion
35. Salt is known by its chemical name 35. Salt is known by its chemical name ______________, and by its mineral name ________. sodium chloride halite
36. What is a covalent bond? A bond between atoms that share electrons
37. Silicon dioxide is a common. covalent compound. It is also 37. Silicon dioxide is a common covalent compound. It is also known as _________. quartz SiO2
38. How do metallic bonds form? Formed when electrons are shared between metal ions