Credit – Over ______ of all purchases in the U.S. are made on credit. What do you buy with credit?
Credit became necessary during the ________ ___________ Earliest form of credit was the account at the _______ _____. In the 1800s bank interest rates were ________% and loans generally were made only in emergencies.
Since 1900 interest rates have dropped. B/c credit increased people’s ability to buy ______ and _______, the American economy grew at a rapid pace. credit became the American way of life. 1970s brought _______ ______ ______ and credit counseling. In the 1990s record numbers of people declared _________.
Credit can be ________ and cause serious financial trouble. Credit is easy to get Buying over the _______ has increased the use of credit. Many _______ have there own credit cards. Avg. American has more than ______ in credit card debt
Debtor – Creditor –
Qualifying for credit is based on 3 things: 1.Income – 2.Financial position: Capital – 3.Collateral –
Principal – Balance due – Finance charge – Minimum payment -
Due date – Late fee – Installment agreement – Secured loan –
Credit can expand your purchasing potential and raise your ___________________. You can establish a good credit ________. Credit can help in emergency situations. Line of Credit –
Credit is convenient. Deferred billing – Credit provides _______ ___ ________. Carrying a credit card is safer than large sums of cash.
Credit purchases may cost more. Adds _________ _________. You tie up future income. Buying on credit can lead to ____________.
Open-ended credit – Closed-end credit – Service credit –
Credit cards Has a stated limit Can be used again and again 30 Day Accounts- Revolving Credit Accounts –
Billed at the end of each month. Annual Percentage Rate – Grace Period –
Annual Fees – Penalty fees- Late fees – Methods of Calculating Finance Charges - depends on lender
Pay for expensive items like _____, ___________, _________. Fixed payments over a set period of time Not allowed to continue borrowing after date. ___________ loan Product is usually _________.
_______ services Services are provided in advance and then paid for. Bills must be paid _________. May charge fees for late payments.
Retail stores ◦ ◦
Credit Card Companies ◦ Ex: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover ◦ ________________accepted nationwide ◦ Line of credit up to a limit ◦ May use a cash advance -
Banks and Credit Unions ◦ Interest rates vary ◦ Loans or credit cards ◦ Credit unions are more willing to make loans b/c the members have stake in the success of the credit union; usually have lower loan rates than commercial banks
Finance Companies- ◦ Consumer finance companies – consumer durables (ex: cars, refrigerators) ◦ Sales finance company – makes loans through authorized representatives (ex: GMAC) Finance companies usually charge max rate allowed by law
Loan Sharks – Usury Laws –
Pawnbrokers – ◦ Possession must be readily salable ◦ Makes loans based on appraisal value ◦ Can redeem item by paying back the loan plus interest in a set time ◦ If not paid back, the broker can sell the items in the pawn shop
Private Lenders – Other Sources: ◦ Life Insurance – can borrow from cash value; reduces value of life policy. ◦ CDs – can be used as collateral