Diabetes Update Friday, October 29, 2010 Held at UAB Hospital Margaret Cameron-Spain Auditorium on the corner of 7 th Ave & 19 th Street South Birmingham, AL Agenda 6:30 am – 7:00 am Registration 7:00 am – 8:00 am Diabetes Management Carlos Arguello, MD 8:00 am – 9:00am Treating Hyperglycemia with Insulin Inpatient to Outpatient Transition of Care Brooks Vaughn, MD 9:00 am – 10:00 am Health Care Reform Dow Briggs, MD 10:00 am – 11:00am Diabetes and Heart Disease Todd Brown, MD 11:00 am – 12 N Insulin Strategies for Managing Inpatient Diabetes Guillermo Umpierrez, MD 12N – 1:00 pm Lunch (provided) 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm The Comprehensive Care of Diabetes Fernando Ovalle, MD 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Diabetes and Cystic Fibrosis Mary Wade, CRNP Purpose: To increase awareness of issues and concerns related to treatment of diabetes in a clinical practice setting. Experts in this field will identify strategies that will assist health care professionals to best provide optimal care for patients with co-morbid conditions. This program will challenge clinical experts to address patient challenges in addressing hyperglycemia in non-critically ill patients, the use of rational treatment approaches using subcutaneous insulin and oral agents, and provide guidance on the subsequent follow-up and transition to outpatient care. Target Audience: Advanced Practice Nurses, CRNP's, Dietitians, Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Staff Nurses. Continuing Education Information UAB Hospital's Nursing Continuing Education Department is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama Board of Nursing (Provider Number: ABNP0055, Expiration date: June 4, 2013). UAB Hospital's Nursing Continuing Education Department is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation (Provider Number: 5-69, Expiration date: October 17, 2010). Approved for the following hours: Alabama Board of Nursing 8.4 ABN Pharmacology 5.22 ANCC 7.0 ANCC Pharmacology: 4.33 IMPORTANT: Alabama Nurses please bring your nurses license to the Diabetes Update. You must scan your license in a card reader in order to get CE credit. Registration Information Please print Name: ____________________________________ Last, First Middle Initial Address: ____________________________ Position title: _____________________________ Pharmacy License #: ____________________ __ State: ( ) Nursing License #: ________________________ State: ( ) Fax Number: _____________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: ___________________________________ Zip code: ________________________________ Employer Name:__________________________ Employee Address: _______________________ Business Phone: _________________________ Zip Code: _______________________________ Payment Method (check one): For checks/ money orders (Make payable to UAB Hospital c/o Diabetes Update 2010). Cost is $35. Complimentary registration for all UAB staff. For questions call Carol Waldrop at or Bernadette Langford VISA MasterCard Discover Card Card Holder ________________________________ Card No: __________________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Personal Check/Money Order Institutional Check Mail to: UAB Hospital – Diabetes Update c/o Bernadette Langford th Avenue South – MEB Suite 508 Birmingham AL