What does it mean to be Australian Citizen?
Outline of session Indigenous People Settlement and Exploration Migration Geography Government Economy
22 million people 200 languages Sixth largest country in the world An island and a continent Secular government Religion – Christian, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism Multicultural society Australia 2011: facts and figures
What do I Know?What do I want to KnowWhat have I Learnt?
From this time forward, under God,* I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey. Australian Citizenship Pledge
Australia and its People Australia’s first inhabitants were the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They are the Indigenous people of Australia. Australia’s Indigenous cultures are the oldest continuing cultures in the world. Historically, Aboriginal people are from mainland Australia and Tasmania. They have lived here for between and years. Indigenous Australia Torres Strait Islanders are from islands to the north of Queensland. Indigenous people share common beliefs and traditions That still guide them today. They have a deep connection with the land that is expressed in their stories, art and dance.
Discovery and Settlement European settlement started when the first 11 convict ships, which became known as the ‘First Fleet’, arrived from Great Britain on 26 January (Date now celebrated as Australia Day). The first governor of the colony of New South Wales was Captain Arthur Phillip. He overcame many problems in the first few years of European settlement. The Colony survived and as more convicts and free settlers arrived, it grew and developed. More colonies were established in other parts of the country.
Early Migration Early free settlers were from Great Britain and Ireland. This British and Irish heritage has had a major Influence on Australia’s history, culture and political institutions.
The Nation of Australia In 1901, the colonies were united into a federation of states called the Commonwealth of Australia. At that time, Australia’s population was counted at about four million people. This number did not include the Indigenous people.
Migration a gradual change 1966 – opened door for selective non European and skilled Asian migration 1973 – removed all racial qualifications to immigration 1975 – after Vietnam War increase in migrants from Vietnam, China and India 1975 – acceptance of refugees from war torn countries
Since 1945, 6.5 million people have come to Australia. Over one quarter of Australians were born overseas.
Apology to the Stolen Generations 2008 On 13 February 2008, the Australian Prime Minister made a national apology to the Stolen Generations in the Australian Parliament. He spoke on behalf of all Australians. He said Sorry for the way Indigenous Australians had been treated in the past. He said sorry especially for the way that Indigenous children had been taken from their parents.
Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties Australia is a democracy. A democracy is a system of government in which citizens freely choose representatives to govern the country and make laws on their behalf. Australians believe in peace, respect, freedom and equality.
Government Head of State Governor General Queen’s Representative Prime Minister
I am, You are, We are Australian MUak MUak
Culture Box - Australia Different items in each box – each team to present on Australian culture from what they have learnt from presentation and what’s in the Box