UFS Library and Information Services
UFS SASOL Library (Main)
Foyer Overnight study area Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery
An overnight study area is accessible from the foyer
Johannes Stegmann Art Gallery
Level 3 Access control and security gates Public reading area Main desk Photocopies Reserve/study collection Group study area
Access control and security gates
Main Desk Here you can: Take out books Bring back books Renew books Place a hold on issued books
Self-help photocopy area
Books in the reserved collection on level 3 can only be takenout for a day or two
Beware of the security gates!
Level 4 is a quiet study area
Levels 5 and 7 Books Kovsiecat Information services by information specialists Reference works
Most of the books are kept on levels 5 and 7
Use the Kovsiecat to find books
Please place used books on the Red Shelves and not just anywhere on the shelf!
Information Services are offered on levels 5 and 7
Information Specialists: Levels 5 and 7 Information specialists conduct information searches on specia-lised databases
Reference works Available on levels 5 and 7, cannot be taken out.
Level 6 Audiovisual resources Resources for education students Computer labs
Level 6 supplies audiovisual teaching aids like video’s, computers, etc.
It also offers resources for education students
The computer labs are for student use and training
Level 8 houses the journal collection Journals cannot be taken out, but may be photo-copied
The Library is accessible to everyone
Branch Libraries Frik Scott Medical Library: At the Medical Faculty Music Library: At the Music Department (Odeion)
Rules of the Library Thank you! Cell phones must be switched off in the library Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed Talking is allowed, but because many use the library as a study area, please don’t be noisy Thank you!