NE 127 – Codes, Standards, and Regulations ASTM Standards INSTRUCTOR: Chattanooga State CC
ASTM International Formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials (name changed in 2001) Approximately 30,000 members from more than 100 countries – Student membership free (call ) Includes ~12,000 standards used worldwide Purpose of standards: “improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence”
History of ASTM Formed in 1898 by chemists and engineers from the Pennsylvania Railroad – Spearheaded by chemist Dr. Charles B. Dudley Without standard material specifications, each manufacturer followed its own material testing procedures – Buyers of industrial products unable to ensure material quality and uniformity Suppliers objected to standard material specifications and testing procedures – Feared customers more inclined to reject items and default on contracts
History of ASTM, Continued Dr. Dudley concluded: “A good specification needs both the knowledge of the product’s behavior during manufacture and knowledge of those who know its behavior while in service.” – In other words, consensus needed among producers and users 1901 – first standard issued (on steel rails)
ASTM International Standards Voluntary, unless incorporated into contracts or laws Used by scientists, engineers, architects, designers, government agencies, etc – National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (Public Law ) – Requires government agencies to use privately developed standards whenever possible – Avoids cost of duplicating standards developing efforts
Development of Standards Anyone who identifies a need for standardization can submit a request to ASTM headquarters Task group members prepare a draft standard – Reviewed by appropriate subcommittee – Voted on by electronic ballot
Development of Standards, Continued Final approval of standard depends on concurrence by ASTM Standing Committee on Standards – Ensures proper procedures followed (due process) May take as little as 9 months About ASTM
ASTM Committees Currently 141 technical standards-writing committees E-07 – Nondestructive Testing – Example standard: E1316 Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examination Included in ASME BPVC Section V, Article 30 (as SE- 1316) E-11 – Quality and Statistics
E-07 Committee (Nondestructive Testing) Formed in members (from 25 countries) 190+ standards Meets twice a year (January and June) Standards published in volume of Annual Book of ASTM Standards (one of 80 volumes)
Scope of E-07 Committee Promotion of knowledge, stimulation of research and the development of standard specifications, test methods, practices, guides, reference radiographs, terminology and classifications related to nondestructive examination methods, equipment and applications
E-07 - Subcommittees E-07 committee on NDT includes 12 technical subcommittees Subcommittee E07.01 Radiology (X and Gamma Method) – Covers 42 active standards – E94-04 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination Included in ASME BPVC Section V, Article 22 (as SE-94) Covers types of materials to be examined, RT techniques and production methods, film processing and storage, etc.
E-07 – Subcommittee E07.01 Continued Other standards covered by E07.01 – E Standard Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium-192 Industrial Radiographic Sources – E Standard Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Industrial Radiographic Films
E-07 - Subcommittees Subcommittee E07.07 Electromagnetic Method – Covers 20 active standards for ET Proposed new standards (or revisions) start with WK prefix
E-11 Committee (Quality and Statistics) Formed in members 25 standards Meets twice a year (October and April) Standards published in volume of Annual Book of ASTM Standards
Scope of E-11 Committee Promote the appropriate use of the principles and methods of statistics and quality control in the development, application, and improvement of standards Subcommittee E11.30 Statistical Quality Control
E-35 Committee (Pesticides and Alternative Control Agents) Formed in members 85 standards Meets twice a year (October and April) Standards published in volume of Annual Book of ASTM Standards
E35.15 Subcommittee ASTM E Test Method for Determining the Bacteria- Eliminating Effectiveness of Hand Sanitizer Formulations Using Hands of Adults – used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of hand sanitizers on the hands of human subjects
Other Committees E06 – Performance on Buildings (example indoor air quality standards) F15 – Consumer Products (example toy safety) F08 – Sports Equipment and Facilities (standards for swingsets, trampolines, pools, etc.) Student Membership
Next Time… AWS Standards