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Definition: An infrastructure that is used to store and share data over the internet Three different types of cloud computing: Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as Service
Concept of Cloud Computing dates back to the 1960’s J.C.R Licklider- Visioned everyonein the world being interconnected, and accessing data from anywhere John McCarthy- idea that computation as a public Service introduced.
Software as a service Salesforce Google Apps Utility Computing Storage and virtual Servers Web services in a cloud Strike Iron Google Maps Credit Card Processing
Platform as a Service Coghead Managed Service Providers Security Services Service Commerce Platforms Rearden Commerce Ariba Internet Integration Better Faster Cheaper!!! Slicing Bread
Online medical records Phone applications OnLive (video games)
Cloud computing can increase the ability of business intelligence through increased data collection, storage and sharing. e.g. A small business can use accounting services like instead of staffing an accountant. The business would also have instant access to accounting figures. However, regulation and auditing procedures will usually lag technology & crime. With this evolving technology, a single person could cause an unprecedented negative impact on society.
Access to information anywhere and anytime You don’t have to maintain infrastructure for applications Reduced labor costs Outsourcing equipment cost Google’s “green” data centers Less electricity being used Reduced power waste A 5 mile trip = 10,000 Google searchs 2 facilities using 100% recycled water
Changes in the application happen without your knowledge or consent. Your data is not directly in your hands, but in the hands of a third party. You are dependent on your internet connection (could be a major problem if the information is critical) Compliance risk a.k.a. auditing risk. Data protection and encryption problems Lock-in (hard to transfer from one provider to another since it would involve a massive level of data migration) The technology has not yet matured
1. is an example of what type of cloud computing: a. Utility Computing b. Platform as a service c. Software as a Service d. Service Commerce Platforms e. None of the above
2) Which is not a service provided by Cloud Computing a. SaaS (software as a service) b. PaaS (platform as a service) c. IaaS (infrastructure as a service) d. VaaS (virtualization as a service)
3) There are many advantages to Cloud Computing, which is NOT an example? a. Mature compared to other services b. Access to information anywhere and anytime c. Outsourcing equipment cost d. Reduced labor costs e. All are examples of Cloud Computing
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