1 “Partners In Building A Healthy Maine: Bridging The Gap Between Education And Health ” Remarks presented to: The National Governors’ Association Interdisciplinary Network on School-Health Partnerships Kick-Off Meeting By: Education Commissioner, J. Duke Albanese Human Services Commissioner, Kevin Concannon
2 Connecting Education & Health Some Maine Attributes: Connecting Education & Health Some Maine Attributes: A Governor Committed to Collaboration Through his Children’s Cabinet. A Children’s Cabinet Committed to Supporting Communities for Children and the Coordination of School Health Programs. A Governor and State Legislature Committed to Supporting Prevention Through How it Allocates its Tobacco Settlement Funds.
3 The Good Stories Together We Have: Decreased teen pregnancy rates. Decreased the number of teens that smoke. Increased the % of Maine children with health insurance and the % of Medicaid reimbursement to schools for student services.
4 The Good Stories Together We Have (Cont.) : Improved indoor air quality through school renovations and new school construction. Moved Maine’s childhood immunization rate (89%) to the highest level in the nation. Increased the % of school - based physical (including oral health) and behavioral health services for Maine children.
5 The Good Stories Together We Have (Cont.) : Made assessing knowledge in health education an important part of Maine’s Learning Results. Piloted the application of state assessment tools for physical education with a focus on fitness and motor skills.
6 The Good Stories Together We Have (Cont.) : Implemented a Schools of Excellence Health Education Recognition Award Program. Developed School-Age Child Care Assistance Programs.
7 Incorporating the“ Eat Smart. Play Hard. Campaign” First in the nation, statewide effort to implement Eat Smart. Play Hard. Support from the US Department of Agriculture and the Center for Disease Control. Support from the private sector – Hannaford Brothers. Jointly providing trainings to improve the school nutrition environment.
8 Continuing Challenges Together We Need To: Address in a more comprehensive manner the mental health needs of our students. Implement proven and effective programs to prevent tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. Solve staff shortage issues (for those who provide services that support children as learners).
9 Continuing Challenges Together We Need To (Cont.) : Combat childhood obesity: We continue to be at the bottom of the nation regarding the % of time our students receive physical education. Examine the decisions we are making regarding school nutrition (We have tough state regulations that some people want relaxed.) Address the health and well-being of ourselves and our staffs.
10 Student Achievement Through Better Health FROM TO Uncoordinated school Coordinating school health programs health programs Little school / community Increased youth, parent / partnerships family, community involvement Few school - based health Increased school based services mental and physical health services Poor school nutritional Increased school breakfast environments programs; improved nutrition policies
11 Student Achievement Through Better Health (Cont.) FROM TO Little physical education/ Offering more physical physical activity education and extended time for physical activity Less than rigorous academic Strong standards-based programs curriculum that includes health education Students with little Increased student connectedness to school involvement and bonds to school
12 “Exercise and recreation are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary, because health is worth more than learning.” -- Thomas Jefferson Health Matters……
13 Health Matters…… “The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend.” -- Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield