Astricon 2009 Presenter: Jeronimo Romero Date: 10/14/2009
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 2 Asterisk in the Trading Room Floor
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 3 Question: What Do Traders Want?
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 4 Speed Efficiency Presence SLA/BLA/Barging Accounting/Logging/Recording
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 5 Roles of Asterisk in the Trading Room Floor Call Control Policy Control Call Recording SIP Registrar PSTN/Media Gateway (T1/PRI/PLAR)
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 6 Basic Asterisk Topology Overview
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 7 What does a Turret Do? up to 27 voice channels, with 24 of those being monitored speaker channels 6000 speed-dials Group Intercom Provision for all MRD and ARD private wires Full duplex-conferencing Advanced speed-dial management system An optional, IP Trade voice recorder, with playback to the turret Connectors for many other voice recorders Video to the desktop Many other applets designed to improve Trader efficiency
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 8 Basic Turret Topology
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 9 Typical Turret Integrations TV streaming to the turret Presence and instant messaging integration Integration to Outlook Advanced recording integration to the CLI and Trade ID, enabling enhanced compliance operation High Definition video conferencing
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 10 Why Turrets are great!!! Turrets come with own SLA/BLA server (TPO) and conference bridge. Asterisk support for common lamping is ok, but SLA is not great Turrets support speaker trading – hands free on multiple simultaneous channels Multiple Handsets with Push to Talk Functionality
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 11 Turrets are not for everyone Not every floor needs turrets Many traders can do without them
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 12 Turrets are not for everyone Common Needs: SLA/BLA One-Touch Barge Privacy On/Off SLA/BLA to Private Line Common Lamping with call state Directed Call Pickup Hands Free Hold
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 13 Station Example: Aastra 57i Aastra 57i with and without modular sidecar
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 14 Why Aastra? Multi Cast Paging Support Well documented and Extensive XML API 802.1x support Superb configurability Good BLF support Excellent Soft Key Features
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 15 Putting it all together Basic Phone Soft Keys: Barge Privacy Page All Page Group + (ring group) Intercom + (extension) Orbit 1-5 (onhold devstate on side car) Bridge Lines (single user ringing devstate on side car)
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 16 Putting it all together Usage Example: Inbound Ring Group into Bridged Line with contextual device state
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 17 Putting it all together
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 18 Putting it all together [did-2701] exten => s,1,Wait(2) exten => s,n,Answer() exten => s,n,Set(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERID(num)}:${TIMESTAMP}) exten => s,n,Monitor(gsm,/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${CALLFILENAME},m) exten => s,n,MeetmeReserve(,E) exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${MEETMERESERVE_STATUS}" = SUCCESS"]?success:failure) exten => s,n(failure),Hangup()
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 19 Putting it all together exten => s,n(success),Noop exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(name)}) exten => s,n,Set(_CONFERENCE_NUMBER=${MEETMERESERVE_CONF}) exten => s,n,Set(NEWCID="${MEETMERESERVE_CONF} ${CALLERID(name)}") exten => s,n,GotoIF($["${CALLERID(number)}" = ""]?noid) exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${NEWCID} ) exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(name)}) exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)}) exten => s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID(all)}) exten => s,n,Dial(${MAINRINGGROUP},,G(rg^800^1)) exten => s,n(noid),SetCallerPres(allowed) exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(name)="${MEETMERESERVE_CONF} Private Caller") exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(number)="Private") exten => s,n,NoOp(your Callerid name value is ${CALLERID(name)}) exten => s,n,NoOp(caller id all is ${CALLERID(all)}) exten => s,n,Dial(${MAINRINGGROUP},,G(rg^800^1))
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 20 Putting it all together [rg] exten => 800,1,Meetme(${CONFERENCE_NUMBER},q1M) ;####CALLER exten => 800,n,Meetme(${CONFERENCE_NUMBER},saq1AM) ;####CALLEE
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 21 Putting it all together SUMMARY When call comes into trader ring group 1)All traders know what line the call is coming in 2)All traders can see line + callerID concatenated in LCD 3)Trader who picks up call can hang up phone without hanging up on customer or broker since “x” option is used in Meetme(). Therefore, no hold button is necessary. 4)Whenever a single user is in meetme, the bridge will blink in “ringing state” reminding the traders that someone is on hold. “M” option enables music on hold in single participant mode. 5)As soon as traders “picks up” line. Dev state will change to “inuse” and blf key will change from fast blinking to solid.
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 22 Putting it all together Usage Example: Going from Bridged Line Mode into Privacy Mode XML Soft Key On Phone: /conference_rescue.html?$$SIPUSERNAME$$
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 23 Putting it all together Usage Example: Call Barge with XML Barge Notification exten =>s,1,NoOp(Barge feature) exten => s,n,Set(CALLER=${CALLERID(num)}) exten => s,n,System(/etc/asterisk/scripts/barge.php ${MACRO_EXTEN:2} ${CALLER} public) exten => s,n,NoOp(VAR: ${bargmm}) exten => s,n,Goto(${bargmm},1) exten => s,n,Hangup() exten => _1X.,1,MeetMe(${EXTEN:1},qdA,683386) ;Original call members exten => _1X.,n,Hangup exten => _2X.,1,MeetMe(${EXTEN:1},aqx,683386) ;Extension who is barging exten => _2X.,n,Hangup
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 24 Putting it all together Summary This assumes a simple call scenario between two parties, then a third party that wants to barge, so he will press the xml key (instead he could dial a dial-plan feature code) with to one of the other two parties and following things will happen: The two parties will be transfer to a conference room. A message is displayed in the phone screen notifying who is the extension that is barging, only for phones Aastra 55i and 57i. The aastra phone menu is modified and a new screen is displayed offering the possibility of locking the room disabling the possibility of barging to any other extension.
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 25 Conclusion It is possible to build very impressive and featureful telephony solutions for the trading room floor with the right partners and goals in mind. Special thanks to IP Trade Networks and Aastra Telecom for all of their assistance.
3/10/09Privileged and Confidential Page 26 Who am I? Jeronimo Romero EUS Networks ext 1001