Welcome to the ARAB SPRING! What is it, what do the people want, and what is going on?
LEADER Tunisia -President Ben Ali President Took away human rights and stole money from citizens International arrest warrant, charging him for money laundering and drug trafficking
The PEOPLE Tunisia – First to protest their leader – Wanted their human rights – Muhammad Bouazizi set himself on fire (Martyr) Sentenced to life imprisonment-Living in Saudi Arabia in exile OUTCOME: President fled the country despite being sentenced to life in prison
LEADER President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt Provided stability for Egypt for 30 years Positive contributions: Peace with Israel, no violent attacks on either side Stability for foreigners Cracks down on religious extremists and terrorists Economic success Re-elected by majority votes
The PEOPLE Egypt The truth about living under Mubarak… – Police can arrest people without charge – Police torture and cruelty – Detain prisoners indefinitely – Security forces – Limited freedoms (speech/expression/assembly) – Corruption – Monopoly on power – No free and fair elections – Opposed to worker’s rights – No one can run against him in elections – Legalized censorship – Family wealth between $40-70 billion **OUTCOME: Removed from power by his people. They forced him out!! /day-of-anger-in-egypt.html (Anger in Egypt 2:02) /day-of-anger-in-egypt.html
LEADER President Colonel Qaddafi of Libya Longest serving leader of Libya- 42 years and rules with an iron fist Positive contributions: – Thought he was providing stability to country – Brought popular democracy to Libya – Focused on education and Islamic morals – Great Manmade River- created largest freshwater pipeline – Believed that his countrymen loved him and would die for him
The PEOPLE Libya Under his rule… – Garbage in streets – Poor infrastructure (govt. to help build up country) – High unemployment (30%) – Controls the media – Uses violence against the people – He and his family have accumulated over $60 billion – Killed Libyan dissidents abroad – Police crackdowns **OUTCOME: His own people started to use violence to get him out of power…an 18 year old found him. People beat him and he was shot by his own people. qnFchttp:// qnFc (ABC News on death 3:47)
The POWER President Ali Abdullah Saleh al-Hashidi of Yemen The people were unhappy with their leader and protested for him to resign after short three years Lack of democratic reform…democracy was not fair, lots of cheating Widespread corruption Human rights abuses were carried out by him and his allies
The PEOPLE Yemen Under his presidency: Government security forces are: killing of civilians Using excessive force randomly detaining citizens torturing and ill treating citizens with things like suffocation Checkpoints Disruption/cut off of utilities such as gas and water Bombings of neighbors by military **OUTCOME: Removed from office by force. Injured by a rocket attack on his palace’s mosque during prayer. yemenis-demand-change-of-government.html (protests in Yemen 1:30) yemenis-demand-change-of-government.html 9/timescast-protesters-killed-in-yemen.html 9/timescast-protesters-killed-in-yemen.html
The POWER Bashar al-Assad of Syria Wants unity between government, state institutions and the people Created a constitution that allows demonstrations Is open to any suggestions by the people Believes in a strength of the Syrian citizens Wants them to participate in their govt. He wants them to know their rights but also know their place
The People Syria Uses military and policing operations to control the people Military attacks on peaceful protesters (no one has been tried for these attacks) Paying high taxes Average person earns about $ a month High unemployment He will not listen to their need for help so they protested and he attacked them saying they were “rebels” We know he has used chemical/biological weapons on his people **Outcome: HE IS STILL IN POWER. Civil War in his country with the international community getting involved. Possible attack by US! (Syrian Conflict in 5 Minutes)
Syria Videos (interview with Charlie Rose 8:00) Overview 2: (1:10) :08 suffering-children.cnn Children in Syria 3:31 suffering-children.cnn
What about the PEOPLE? What do they want? Human rights Democracy Freedom from a dictator Fair economic opportunities
The Situation in the Middle East Tunisia- President Ben Ali ousted, and government overthrown. Egypt- President Hosni Mubarak ousted, and government overthrown. Continued popular protest against military provisional government. Libya- Muammar Gaddafi killed after a civil war with foreign military intervention, and government overthrown. Yemen-President Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down after months of popular protests. Syria-Civil War Civil uprisings against the governments of Syria and Bahrain, despite government changes. Kuwait, Lebanon and Oman implementing government changes in response to protests. Morocco, Jordan implementing constitutional reforms in response to protests. Ongoing protests in Algeria, Iraq, and other countries.
Arab Spring All these countries, all these people wanted a change in their governments In the summer of 2011 the Arab Spring grew and protestors used facebook, twitter, social media to spread the word of change Millions took to the streets Violence occurred, but did it work??? eo/year-revolutions-katie-couric- this-year-2011-special-middle- east-wall-street-protest (stop at 5:54) eo/year-revolutions-katie-couric- this-year-2011-special-middle- east-wall-street-protest
The People Force Changes…Social Media is the Answer 09/15/ how- rap-music-fueled-the- arab-spring-uprisings (rap and Arab Spring 8:07) 09/15/ how- rap-music-fueled-the- arab-spring-uprisings
Arab Spring /day-of-anger-in-egypt.html (Anger in Egypt 2:02) /day-of-anger-in-egypt.html music-fueled-the-arab-spring-uprisings (rap and Arab Spring 8:07) music-fueled-the-arab-spring-uprisings /yemenis-demand-change-of-government.html (protests in Yemen 1:30) /yemenis-demand-change-of-government.html (2:41 current rages) being-detained-in-bahrain-and-the-digital-roots-of-the-arab-spring/ (6:30 facebook) being-detained-in-bahrain-and-the-digital-roots-of-the-arab-spring/ News MUSIC 3:17 (Arabs Unite)