Aquila and Priscilla Acts 18:1-11
Introduction Good people Mentioned several times Type that any church needs Value cannot be measured Mentioned several times Accomplished much through unity Mentioned together
Rome to Corinth (52-54 AD) Exact time is unknown Church in Corinth began 52-54 AD Claudius’ reign was 41-54 AD “Recently” came to Corinth Aquila was a Jewish tent maker (Acts 18:1-4) Paul stayed with them
Left Corinth (Late 55 or early 56 AD) Paul’s helpers (Romans 16:3) Intended to return after visiting Syria (Acts 18:21) May be there (Ephesus) for preliminary work.
Left Corinth (Late 55 or early 56 AD) Detected a shortcoming in the preaching Understood the difference between baptisms Not fooled by eloquence (Hebrews 5:14) Listened with discernment to one “mighty in the Scripture.” Loved his soul
Sent Greetings To Corinth (57 AD) Knew the Christians there Concern for former loved ones in Christ (1 Corinthians 16:9) Not always the case today because of strife
Sent Greetings To Corinth (57 AD) Once again a church in their home As it was to Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:3) Didn’t mind the inconvenience Need to open up our homes Seldom show hospitality (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9) Qualification of elder (1 Timothy 3:2)
Ephesus to Rome (58 AD) Claudius poisoned by his wife Succeeded by Nero in 54 AD Claudius banned Christians from Rome (Acts 18:2) Nero ruled from 54-68 AD
Ephesus to Rome (58 AD) Did not forsake the truth Risked their lives to help Paul (Romans 16:3-5) Gentile Christians thankful for them Church meeting in their home again Went right to work
Back to Ephesus (66-67 AD) May have been Paul’s final letter Not hopeful that he would be released this time Expects to die soon (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
Back to Ephesus (66-67 AD) Doesn’t forget his dear friends Remembered those who labored with him (2 Timothy 4:19) Should be this way for us today
Practical Observations They were industrious Worked at a trade, but were not too busy for the Lord On the job means we are working for God (Colossians 3:23, 24)
Practical Observations Extended friendship to Paul Not ashamed of the uproar he created Would we stand by such a preacher? (Acts 17:6, 7)
Practical Observations Were Christians everywhere they went Either a Christian everywhere or nowhere Let our light shine (Matthew 5:14-16)
Practical Observations Knew the Truth, taught the Truth, and contended for the Truth Many know it, but won’t obey it (John 12:42, 43) Others will obey it, but won’t defend it (Titus 1:9)
Conclusion Such are a blessing to any church Are you an Aquila or Priscilla?