Chapter 3.2: The Rulers of Egypt
Objectives Learn the history of ancient Egyptian kingship. Find out about Egypt’s three kingdom periods. Understand how the pharaohs ruled Egypt during the New Kingdom period.
Egyptian Kingship Dynasty - A series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group.
Egyptian Kingship Ancient Egyptian Dynasties Divided into Three Kingdoms: Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom
Egyptian Kingship Pharaoh - The title of the kings of ancient Egypt.
Egyptian Kingship Egypt’s first dynasty began when King Menes united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
Egyptian Kingship Egypt’s first dynasty began when a King Menes united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The unification of Egypt was the beginning of one of the most stable civilizations in history.
Egyptian Kingship Power - Complete control over their people.
Egyptian Kingship Ma’at – The goddess of truth.
The Three Kingdoms Kingdoms Old Kingdom 2686 – 2125 B.C. Middle Kingdom 2055 – 1650 B.C. New Kingdom 1550 – 1069 B.C.
The Three Kingdoms The Old Kingdom is known for its well run government. The pharaohs kept peace and traded with Nubia.The Old Kingdom is known for its well run government. The pharaohs kept peace and traded with Nubia.
The Three Kingdoms The Old Kingdom is known for its well run government. The pharaohs kept peace and traded with Nubia.The Old Kingdom is known for its well run government. The pharaohs kept peace and traded with Nubia. Toward the end of the Old Kingdom, governors in the provinces challenged the pharaohs’ rule. Egypt’s unity crumbled, and the dynasties grew weak.Toward the end of the Old Kingdom, governors in the provinces challenged the pharaohs’ rule. Egypt’s unity crumbled, and the dynasties grew weak.
The Three Kingdoms Pharaohs spent the nation’s wealth on public works, not war. Egypt grew richer.Pharaohs spent the nation’s wealth on public works, not war. Egypt grew richer.
The Three Kingdoms The first pharaohs of the New Kingdom wanted to build an empire.The first pharaohs of the New Kingdom wanted to build an empire. They created huge armies with good weapons.They created huge armies with good weapons.
The Three Kingdoms King Tutankhamen Ruled at a very young age.Ruled at a very young age. Dies when he is 18 years old.Dies when he is 18 years old. Better known for his tomb.Better known for his tomb.
Rule During the New Kingdom Regent – Someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule.
Rule During the New Kingdom Thutmose III Hatshepsut
Rule During the New Kingdom Hatshepsut Made herself pharaoh.Made herself pharaoh.
Rule During the New Kingdom Hatshepsut Made herself pharaoh.Made herself pharaoh. Ruled for 15 years.Ruled for 15 years.
Rule During the New Kingdom Hatshepsut Made herself pharaoh.Made herself pharaoh. Ruled for 15 years.Ruled for 15 years. Created a time of great peace and economic.Created a time of great peace and economic.
Rule During the New Kingdom Hatshepsut Made herself pharaoh.Made herself pharaoh. Ruled for 15 years.Ruled for 15 years. Created a time of great peace and economic.Created a time of great peace and economic. She refused to step down.She refused to step down.
Rule During the New Kingdom Temple of Queen Hatshepsut Deir el-Bahri, Thebes
Rule During the New Kingdom Thutmose III One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom.One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom.
Rule During the New Kingdom Thutmose III One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom.One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom. His armies went to war with Syria & Phoenicia.His armies went to war with Syria & Phoenicia.
Rule During the New Kingdom Thutmose III One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom.One of the greatest pharaohs of the New Kingdom. His armies went to war with Syria & Phoenicia.His armies went to war with Syria & Phoenicia. He was educated and showed mercy to the people he defeated.He was educated and showed mercy to the people he defeated.
Rule During the New Kingdom Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again.Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again.
Rule During the New Kingdom Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again.Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again. Civil war left Egypt weak.Civil war left Egypt weak.
Rule During the New Kingdom Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again.Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined again. Civil war left Egypt weak.Civil war left Egypt weak. Egypt fell to Alexander the Great of Macedonia.Egypt fell to Alexander the Great of Macedonia.