The New Axis of Evil. I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6)


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Presentation transcript:

The New Axis of Evil

I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6)

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler”

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan Libya (Put) = Modern-day Libya

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan Libya (Put) = Modern-day Libya

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan Libya (Put) = Modern-day Libya Gomer & Beth-Togarmah = Turkey

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan Libya (Put) = Modern-day Libya Gomer & Beth-Togarmah = Turkey 1.Turkey signing a treaty with Syria

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) Gog = “prince” or “ruler” Magog = countries of collapsed USSR Rosh = Russia Meshech & Tubal = Turkey Persia = Iran Ethiopia/Cush = Ethiopia & Sudan Libya (Put) = Modern-day Libya Gomer & Beth-Togarmah = Turkey 1.Turkey signing a treaty with Syria 2.Turkey engaging in joint military drills with Syria and Iran.

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) “...many people are with you.” Ezk. 38:6

The New Axis of Evil

I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) II.The INVASION of the Nations (Ezk. 38:8-17)

The Tribulation Rapture Return of Christ Invasion of Gog & Magog (Ezk ). Covenant of peace made. Covenant of peace broken (Dan. 9:27; Ezk. 38:8, 11) ( Dan. 9:27; 11:41) 3 ½ years 3 ½ years Peace for Israel (Rev. 12:6) Persecution of Israel (Rev. 12:13-14; Worldwide Calamities Matt. 24:9-31) (Matt. 24:4-8; Rev. 6) More intense worldwide calamities (Rev. 8-18)

The New Axis of Evil I.The IDENTITY of the Nations (Ezk. 38:1-6) II.The INVASION of the Nations (Ezk. 38:8-17) III. The INTERVENTION of the Nations (Ezk. 38:18-22)

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle:

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle: 1.ISRAEL becomes a superpower.

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle: 1.ISRAEL becomes a superpower. 2.ISLAM comes to an end.

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle: 1.ISRAEL becomes a superpower. 2.ISLAM comes to an end.

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle: 1.ISRAEL becomes a superpower. 2.ISLAM comes to an end. 3.GOD reveals Himself to the world.

The New Axis of Evil 3 Purposes for this Battle: 1.ISRAEL becomes a superpower. 2.ISLAM comes to an end. 3.GOD reveals Himself to the world. “ Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 38:23

The New Axis of Evil “God Almighty, whom the Russians defy and Islamics denounce, has brought this evil axis of power into Israel to bury it before the eyes of the world. The destruction of Russia and its Islamic allies is going to be the most powerful object lesson the world has seen since Pharaoh and his army were drowned in the Red Sea.” – John Hagee

The New Axis of Evil God wants to overcome the axis of evil in all of our hearts.

The New Axis of Evil God wants to overcome the axis of evil in all of our hearts. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart?

The New Axis of Evil In the Christian life we face three primary enemies:

The New Axis of Evil In the Christian life we face three primary enemies: 1. The devil

The New Axis of Evil In the Christian life we face three primary enemies: 1. The devil 2. The world

The New Axis of Evil In the Christian life we face three primary enemies: 1. The devil 2. The world 3. Our own sinful flesh

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS “I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake.” 1 John 2:12

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13

The New Axis of Evil Two Types of Forgiveness: Salvation Forgiveness Faith In Christ (Act. 10:43) All sins – past, present, & future (Col. 2:13-14) One-Time Event (Eph. 1:7; Heb. 10:10-18) Permanent (Heb. 10:10-18)

The New Axis of Evil Two Types of Forgiveness: Salvation Forgiveness Fellowship Forgiveness Faith In Christ (Act. 10:43) Confession of sin (I John 1:9) All sins – past, present, Confessed sins (I John 1:9) & future (Col. 2:13-14) One-Time Event (Eph. 1:7; Repeatable (Matt. 6:12) Heb. 10:10-18) Permanent (Heb. 10:10-18) Can be lost (Matt. 6:12, 14-15)

The New Axis of Evil

How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS RESOLVE to spend time alone with CHRIST

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS RESOLVE to spend time alone with CHRIST “I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning.” 1 John 2:13

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS RESOLVE to spend time alone with CHRIST REMAIN in God’s Word

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS RESOLVE to spend time alone with CHRIST REMAIN in God’s Word “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.” 1 John 2:14

The New Axis of Evil How do I overcome this axis of evil in my own heart? RECEIVE God’s Free FORGIVENESS RESOLVE to spend time alone with CHRIST REMAIN in God’s Word “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ ” John 8:31-32

The New Axis of Evil