Radial Design & Symmetry
Symmetry is where one part of an image is balanced or mirrored by the other side. Symmetry is where one part of an image is balanced or mirrored by the other side.
radial, radiate, and radial balance - Radial means anything of, relating to, or arranged like rays. rays
This means images which seem to start in the center and move outwards in all directions simultaneously. This means images which seem to start in the center and move outwards in all directions simultaneously. A star, the iris around your eyes, a wheel with spokes, and a daisy (among many other plant forms) are examples of radial balance. A star, the iris around your eyes, a wheel with spokes, and a daisy (among many other plant forms) are examples of radial balance.
Nature contains an abundance of radial symmetry and balance, from plants to water swirling down the drain. Nature contains an abundance of radial symmetry and balance, from plants to water swirling down the drain.
Artists also have used symmetry in old cathedral windows…. Artists also have used symmetry in old cathedral windows….
….and watermelons
As an artform, radial symmetry is commonly found in the works of mandalas, such as the sacred sand paintings by Tibetan monks.
Subject: Symbolic (spiritual)
These are by an artist known as Aya. Subject: Non-Objective
The Rose Window at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral Do we know when Chelles was born? Who do they think Chelles learned construction of Rose Windows from? How big is the rose window? No His Uncle 1, 300 sq. ft. Artist: Jehan de Chelles Subject: Portrait
Non-Objective Do you think these have personal meaning or are just designs?