The Spread of Buddhism Theravada School Mahayana School
After the Buddha – The Sangha Sangha: Small community of monks established at the first sermon in the Deer Park Monks wandered – spreading the word of Buddhism across India Councils met to discuss sutras. Council meeting in 383BC resulted in a division 1. Sthaviradada: argued to keep the sutras unchanged 2. Mahasanghika: argued for a more literature to be included in the sutra Resulted in 2 branches: Theravada School Mahayana School
Branches of Buddhism Theravada School Little Vehicle Way of the Elders Conservative Mahayana School Northern School The Greater Vehicle More liberal TEXTBOOK MAPPING EXERCISE: Page 194
Spread of Buddhism
Comparison TheravadaMahayana Beliefs Humans are individuals key virtue –wisdom Monks Arhat Buddha the saint Humans are involved with others key virtue – compassion Monk and layperson Bodhisattva Buddha the saviour PracticesPray through meditation Pray for requests (varies) ScriptureEarly scriptures Pali Early scriptures plus others sutras
Comparison continued Theravada BuddhismMahayana Buddhism Moved primarily South and West covering Indochina and Ceylon (Sri-Lanka). Moved Primarily North and West, covering China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet Followed as a teaching or Philosophy. Followed with reference to higher beings, more like a religion. Intense, dedicated and time- consuming effort required to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is achieved through a normal life with varying degrees of spiritual involvement.
Agreements The Buddha is the only master One must take refuge in the Buddha, dharma and Sangha This world was not created and ruled by a god One must follow the example of the Buddha One must accept the Four Noble Truths All things are impermanent
Tibetan Tantra Buddhism or Vajrayana - Buddhism In a nutshell!
Tibetan Buddhism History ‘Bon’ religion indigenous religion of Tibet, animistic (believing that nature is pervaded by good and evil spirits) shamanistic Buddhism and Hinduism Initially introduced late 8 th century more steadily from the 13 th century onwards The Great tantric mystic Guru Rinpoche blended these three religions in 774 CE resulting in Tibetan Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism - politics Tibetan Buddhism dominated Mongolia and Manchuria. Gave rise to a Theocracy – hierarchy of monks or Lamas that govern the country Dali Lama is both the worldly and spiritual authority
Tibetan Buddhist Sacred Texts Buddhist text were translated into Tibetan 11 th – 14 th Centuries. Many text survived in Tibetan translations only The most famous Tibetan Buddhist text is the Bardo Thodol, popularly known as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Describes the experiences of the soul during the interval between death and rebirth. It is recited by lamas over a dying or recently deceased person
Tibetan Buddhism Beliefs Similarities with Mahayana Buddhism pantheon of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and Dharma protectors 4 Noble Truths Eight-Fold Path Compassion Monastic life 3 baskets – Tripitaka rituals such as food and flower offerings Religious pilgrimages Religious festivals Mantras and Mudras Bodhisattvas
Tibetan Buddhism Beliefs cont. Unique to Tibetan Buddhism religious pilgrimages chanting prayers Prayer wheels Prostrating Mandalas
Tibetan Buddhism Beliefs cont. Cham: a dance featuring sacred masked dances, sacred music, healing chants, and spectacular richly ornamented multi- colored costumes Mudras - used by the monks to invite spiritual energies which generate wisdom, compassion. monastic debate
Tibetan Beliefs - Images
Philosophy – Fight fire with fire Vajra – diamond. Buddha elevated to a savior holding a diamond scepter – evokes the energetic rigor and clarity of the diamond Task: to shut off the energy of desire to accomplish the cessation of suffering How: Harness this energy (of desire) and turn it against itself to propel the individual towards enlightenment. Method: Chanting, Mandalas, mudras, sex
Tibet Today Clergy: Lamas (Oligarchy) Present Dali Lama - 14 th in a direct line of succession – through rebirth won Nobel Peace Prize 1989 Currently living in exile in Northern India Tibet – currently claimed by the People’s Republic of China