Introduction to Human Rights The WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, & HOWs
Essential Questions WHAT are human rights? WHERE are there human right violations? WHEN have these violations occurred? WHY do these violations occur? HOW does it affect me? WHAT can I do to help?
WHAT? YouTube video on “What are human rights?” YouTube video on “30 Articles of Universal Declaration of Rights"
WHERE? EVERYWHERE. Libya, Egypt, Iran, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Syria, Russia, and the U.S.A., plus many more…
WHEN? Since men have desired to own other men (men referring to all humans), as early as the ancient Egyptians. To Currently.
WHY? Oppression of citizens Tyrannical government Unfair trials Unneeded hostility Racism Religious persecution And many, many more
HOW does this affect me? in-the-u-s in-the-u-s activist activist rights-record rights-record and-destitute and-destitute
WHAT can I do? STAY INFORMED! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS! United Nations website National Public Radio Website Amnesty International Website