Agenda 2 HR Terms and Concepts Margie Ward, Employee Benefits Administrator City of Mesa Personnel Budgeting Case Study Dawn Lang, Assistant Director for Finance City of Chandler Questions / Panel Discussion
Total Rewards 3 Compensation + Rewards and Recognition + Benefits Distribution of Limited Dollars
Compensation 4 Base Pay Range vs. grade Variable Pay Overtime Shift Differential Call-back Stand-by Incentive Pay Longevity Pay
Base Pay Plans 5 Step Traditionally used in labor agreements Merit Pay for performance environment Pay pool distributed based on measurable goals Cost of Living Annual increase Broadbanding Consolidation of several traditional grades into each band
Budgeting for Compensation 6 Historical spend By Employee Full Time Equivalents (FTE’s) Position Control Each position has unique ID Tracks position, not employee Each position can have a budgeted cost Can assign multiple employees to a position Can assign one employee to multiple positions
Rewards and Recognition 7 Public acknowledgement Training and development opportunities Cash bonus Gift cards Time off Special parking space
Benefits 8 Group Insurance Leave Pension Deferred Compensation Retiree health insurance
Funding Bases for Benefits Fully funded Least risk Least flexibility Least administration Least cost effective Self funded Least risk Least flexibility Least administration Least cost effective Self administered Least risk Least flexibility Least administration Least cost effective 9 Outside AdministrationInternal Administration
Crafting WIN/WIN Benefits 10 Saving money for the City and enhancing benefits The power of procurement Value added benefits Legal and financial EAP services Incentivizing generic use 24/7 Nurse line Voluntary benefits Wellness programs Discount programs
Cost Containment 11 Identify high cost areas Make plan design changes Maximize in-network use Audit providers Medical management Comply with reinsurance (stop-loss) provisions
Case Study 12 Personnel Budgeting Maximize Benefits While Minimizing Costs “Looking Past the Challenges to Find the Opportunities”
Personnel Budgeting 13 Personnel Budget is Significant 70% of Total Ongoing General Fund Operating Budget 47% of Personnel is Sworn Public Safety How do we Maintain or Minimize Cost Increases in Personnel? Understand Each Type of Wage and Benefit Determine Types with Controllable Costs Collaborate with HR and Payroll to Effectively Budget
Wage Considerations 14 Increases to Ongoing Wages COLA / Merit or Step Increases Competition for Skilled Workforce Union Contracts Political Expectations Maintain Equity Between Job Groups
Benefit Considerations 15 Increases to Ongoing Benefits Retirement (ASRS, PSPRS & EORP) Medical, Dental, Life Worker’s Compensation Short Term Disability Retirement Health Savings Deferred Compensation
Budget, HR, and Payroll Relationship 16 Meet & Confer Involvement Costing and System Impacts Transparency and Education Understand MOU Agreements for Budget/Payroll Budget and Forecast for Each Employee Group Interpret MOU Changes Detail Wage/Benefits by Employee Groups Annually
Budget, HR, and Payroll Relationship 17 Details Wage Items for Each Job Group or Union Details Benefits for Each Job Group or Union Budget Compiles, HR and Payroll Agree
Personnel Budgeting 18 Analyze Actual Payroll per Employee Group Tighten up Budgets Where Appropriate Vacancy Budgeting Benefit Budgeting Determine Benefits Where Savings can be Achieved Health Care Benefit Became Focus Cost/Share Arrangement Minimize Rising Health Care Costs Sustain Over Time
Rising Costs of Health Care Benefits 19 Fully Funded Plan At Mercy of Insurance Company In Business to Make a Profit Claim Data Compared Nationally Cost / Share Arrangement 90% Employer - 10% Employee Premium Split Chandler Employees Paid the Lowest Amount for the HMO Plan as Compared to Other Valley Cities
How to Address Rising Costs 20 Take Position of Consumer by Shifting to Self-Funded Negotiate Specifically on City Data 2% State Tax no Longer Required Reduce Employer Share of Health Benefit Costs Create Plan to Meet Goals
Process to Implement Change 21 Include the Right People in the Process Hired Medical Plan Experts and Actuary Created Health Care Task Force Start Early, Time Intensive Education and Transparency RFP for Health Care Provider and Plan Type Recommendation to Council by Health Care Task Force
Medical Cost Savings Achieved 22 Sustainable Cost Measures Self-Funded Medical Plan in January of 2011 Used Fund Balance to Fund Reserves and Subsidize Premium to Mitigate Impact to Employees Transition to 80/20 by January of 2013 Health & Wellness Program Implemented $3.5 Million in General Fund Ongoing Savings Equal to: 4% Across-the Board Wage Reduction 10 Furlough Days per Year for Each Employee 43 Positions
Questions? 23 Open for Discussion