Diet The food and drink that we regularly choose to consume.
Nutrition Eating foods that your body needs to grow, develop, and/or work properly.
Nutrients The substances in foods that your body needs to grow.
The 6 Major Nutrients: Carbohydrates Fats Protein Vitamins Minerals Water
Carbohydrates The starches and sugars that provide the body with most of its energy. There are 2 types: Simple and Complex Simple Carbs: in fruit, sugar, and milk Complex: in starchy foods and veggies Purpose?- They provide fiber and help with digestion 55% of our calories should come from carbs
Fats Are a source of energy and are essential for vital body functions Purpose?- they insulate the body, cushion body organs, promote healthy skin and normal growth. Found in butter/margarine, whole milk, egg yolks, cheese, and salad dressings Saturated Fats vs. Unsaturated Fats – Solid vs liquid
Protein Build, maintain, and repair body cells and tissues (mainly muscles) Found in- meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese, and dry beans Made up of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) Complete Proteins vs. Incomplete Proteins -have all amino acids vs. lack at least 1 essential amino acid
Vitamins Substances needed in small quantities that help regulate body functions. 2 groups: Water Soluble vs. Fat Soluble Water Soluble can’t be stored in the body- need to be eaten daily Fat Soluble can be stored in the body until needed Found in: veggies, fruits, whole grain breads, and fortified milk
Minerals Elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, healthy blood, and regulation of daily elimination Found in: whole grains, fruits, peas, spinach, raisins, and milk
Water The most common nutrient Makes up about 60% of the body Functions?- carries nutrients through the body (Water Slide), helps digestion, removes waste from the body, lubricates joints, keeps the body from overheating
Goal? Eating a balanced diet (the appropriate amount of each nutrient on a daily basis)
RDA RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) -guidelines for the amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. you should get from the food you eat. DAILY VALUE: daily % of what you should have each day % of Daily Values for nutrients listed on food labels (nutrition labels).
McDonalds BIG MAC
Wendy’s Frosty (Large)
Taco Bell: Beef Soft Taco
POP TART ACTIVITY Serving Size (don’t be tricked) Daily Values (fat, cholesterol, etc.) Fiber, Sugar, etc.