A Balanced Diet: Food Types Resource Author: Mr Richard Joinson, Moseley School, Birmingham
How much? Carbohydrate Fat Protein 55-60% % 25-30%
Proteins Proteins are used to make our bodies grow and repair cells. Foods containing meat, fish or beans like saltfish, parrot fish, curried goat, kidney beans and black eyed peas, contain protein.
Too much protein… …can be turned by your body into fat, so causing all the problems fat causes. Too much protein in your diet can also stop you absorbing calcium, which leads to : weak bones kidney stones
Fats Fats are used to provide energy. Foods with meat and dairy produce contain fat, like fried chicken, rice and peas, fried plantain.
Too much fat… …causes obesity (excess fat on the body) which leads to: diabetes heart disease high blood pressure strokes
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are used to provide energy, and can be sugar or starch. Foods like yams, plantains, sweet potato, mango and breadfruit contain carbohydrate.
Diabetes Black people are more likely to develop diabetes in later life. Risk factors which increase the risk of diabetes include: Genetics Obesity Lack of exercise
What is diabetes? The pancreas is an organ under the stomach which makes insulin. Insulin controls how much sugar is in your blood, so that your cells can keep going all the time.
Problems of diabetes Diabetes means your cells don’t take in sugar properly and causes problems like: Being thirsty all the time Passing lots of urine Tiredness Frequent skin infections e.g. boils Itchiness
Long term problems If left untreated, diabetes can cause: Blindness Kidney failure Poor circulation, leading to amputation!