What types of food are in each of the following meals? Sunday dinner Roast beef with boiled potatoes, carrots and cabbage Chocolate-chip ice cream Coffee UK favourite Chicken tikka with naan bread and onions Fruit salad Mineral water Vegetarian Spinach, tomato and cheese omelette with rice and bean salad Pineapple and yoghurt Orange juice 8A3 Balanced diet
The energy in carbohydrates is needed: to move; for body processes (breathing, pumping blood); to grow; to repair damaged tissues; to keep warm. Carbohydrates
Baby4200 Child6800 Boy9600 Girl9200 Woman9500 Man11,500 Energy needs (kJ per day) Why do you think these are different? Think about the size of the body, the amount of activity they might do, etc.
Food labels If you have a look in the kitchen cupboard, you’ll notice that most food packets have labels telling you what is in them. What sorts of things appear on the labels? Do you think that they should show anything else? The Food Standards Agency regulates what goes on food labels. Have a look at their website and see if you can find out anything interesting.
FoodLentils (can)Peanut butterRice (dry) Energy361 kJ2431 kJ1493 kJ Carbohydrate (total) 14.0 g9.3 g77.2 g Carbohydrate (sugars) 3.0 g3.5 g0.7 g Protein6.6 g24.9 g7.6 g Fat0.3 g50.0 g1.4 g Fibre3.8 g6.3 g1.2 g More food labels (amounts per 100 g)
Use the data you have collected to prepare a balanced meal for an elderly person. The meal should provide about half of the daily energy needs (about 5000 kJ). Meals on Wheels (sample menu) Roast lamb Potatoes Carrots Peas Plums and custard Meals on Wheels