Characterization and causes of variability of sea level and thermocline depth in the tropical South Indian Ocean Laurie Trenary University of Colorado
Seasonal cycle: winds and thermocline depth Schott et al. 2009
Open Ocean Upwelling and Weather/Climate Tropical Cyclone NASA-Earth Observatory Saji et al SST Xie et al Tropical Cyclones Formation Strong intraseaonal SST variability Interactions with the MJO? Interannually: Intrinsic part of the IOD with significant climatic consequences
What are the possible mechanisms? Rossby waves? Local Ekman Pumping? Time
Remote Influence from the Pacific Wijffels and Meyers (2004) Interannual: 5-10% Energy flux from the Pacific (Clarke 1991; Spall and Pedlosky 2005) Annual: 80% energy flux from the Pacific-- -only 10% is found off shore (Potemra 2001)
Present Study What drives sea level/thermocline depth variability on multiple timescales and what is the relative importance of ? 1.Local: Direct Ekman pumping 2.Regionally Remote: Regionally forced large scale Ekman pumping and Rossby wave propagation 3.Remote: Transmission from the Pacific
2. Models and Experiments Models HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM): Domain: Indian-Pacific basin 55 o S-55 o N; 30 °E to 290 °E Resolution: 0.33 o x0.33 o resolution; 20 vertical layers Forcing: ERA40: 3-day-mean winds, specific humidity, air temperature, precipitation, net shortwave and longwave radiation ( ) Linear Ocean Model (LOM) Domain: Indian-Pacific basin 45 o S-45 o N; 30 °E to 290 °E. Damping is applied in a 5 o band extending from the boundaries Resolution: 0.33 o x0.33 o resolution; 15 vertical mode Continuously stratified using Levitus temperature and salinity (Levitus and Boyer 1994; Levitus et al. 1994) Reanalysis and Observations SODA-POP: D20A Aviso: SSHA INSTANT : ITF Transport and Water Mass Properties
2. Methods: Experiment Design INDOPAC = Pacific +Indian Ocean forcing IND= Indian Ocean forcing Experiment DesignModel bathometry
3. Results: Model/Data Comparison Standard Deviation of Seasonal to Interannual SSHA and D20 MODELOBSERVATIONS REANALYSIS SSHA D20A
3. Results: Model/Data Comparison Seasonal to Interannual SSHA and D20A Good agreement with observations!!! SSHA D20A-SSHA highly correlated
3. Results: Model/Data Comparison Standard Deviation of Intraseasonal SSHA MODELOBSERVATIONS
3. Results: Model/Data Comparison Observed and modeled ITF Decent agreement of ITF transport Model captures variability of hydrodynamic properties
Interannual Variability
SSHA SSHA: INDIAN D20A D20A: INDIAN 3. Interannual: Standard Deviation Maps INDOPAC INDDIFF LOM:SSHA
Interpreting our results
3. Interannual Region 1 INDOPAC (total) Local Forcing : IND (Indian Ocean) INDOPAC-IND (Pacific forcing) Remote Forcing IO : upwelling downwelling
3. Interannual Region 2 upwelling downwelling
D20A: IO
3. Interannual: Positive Composite INDOPACINDDIFF
Seasonal Variability
3. Seasonal Region 1 Region 2 Region 1
D20A: IO 3. Seasonal Evolution: Hovmöller INDOPACIND DIFF
Intraseasonal Variability
3. Intraseasonal : Standard Deviation Maps INDOPACINDDIFF
Controls of ITF
Conclusions On seasonal-to-interannual timescales sea level/thermocline depth variability is driven by winds acting on Indian Ocean Interannual – SSHA/D20A is associated with Rossby wave propagation forced by windstress curl in the eastern IO – Pacific influence is greatest south of 10 o S and transmission strongly modifies ITF Seasonal: – SSHA/D20A forcing varies based on location: combination of local Ekman pumping and Rossby wave propagation – Indian Ocean determines phase of the ITF, the Pacific damps the transport Intraseasonal: – In the ridge region, sea level variability is relatively weak, and it results from IO wind forcing – Forcing over the IO is the major cause for intraseasonal variability of the ITF Decadal: – Pacific appears to contribute to the subsurface temperature variability of the SIO
Thank You!
Decadal Variability
3. Long term trend
3. Subsurface temperature variability
3. Pacific Tropical winds warm cold
c = phase speed = frequency R Earth = Earth radius Turning latitude
3. Interannual: Negative Composite D20A: HYCOM-MRD20A: HYCOM-EXPD20A: MR-EXP Composite events: 73-74;74-75;75-76;80-81;81-82;84-85;92-93;98-99
Thermocline Ridge of the Indian Ocean Vialard et al. 2009
3. Transmission and the ITF