Restoration and 18th Century Theatre 1660 Return of the Monarchy Charles II
People Women Allowed to Perform Charles the Second returns Playwrights and Actors
Architecture New indoor theatres - deep aprons, proscenium arches, painted flats, candles and oil lamps.
Important Events Restoration began when Charles II returned from France and reclaimed throne Brought new era of theatre from Paris
Terms Comedy of Manners - A comedy satirizing the attitudes and behavior of a particular social group, often of fashionable society Restoration ended in 1737 - Parliament passed Licensing Act allowing only two public playhouses (Covent Garden, Drury Lane) “Legitimate Theatre”
Playwrights (you do not have to copy this John Dryden, George Etherage, William Wycherly, George Farquhar, William Congreve, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Actors l David Garrick - actor and director, created new acting style (naturalistic) and came to be regarded as one of England's greatest actors
l Actors Sarah Kemble Siddons and brother John Phillip Kemble-parents were performers
Actors l Edmund Kean-performed the great works of Shakespeare. Visited America twice