Welcome to Webinar on Accelerated Bridge Construction National PBES/ABC Project Exchange Sponsored by Center for Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC Center) at Florida International University Website: abc.fiu.edu July 25, 2013 – 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Webinar Agenda ABC Announcements(10 minutes) Featured Presentation (35 minutes) National PBES/ABC Project Exchange Benjamin Beerman, PE, Senior Structural Engineer, FHWA Resource Center, Atlanta, GA Question and Answer(15 minutes) Please post your questions in the chat box
Upcoming ABC Showcase
Other Upcoming ABC Showcases New York: I-84 Over Dingle Ridge Road TENTATIVE DATE: September 24, 2013 Oklahoma: SH-51 Over Cottonwood Creek TENTATIVE DATE: Late October 2013 Both Showcases highlight lateral slide construction techniques.
Upcoming ABC Sunday Workshop at TRB Annual Meeting January 12-16, 2014 – Washington, DC Sunday Workshop: Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems for Accelerated Bridge Construction Sunday, January 12, 1:30 – 5:00 pm Sponsored by TRB AFF10 (General Structures) and AFF10(3) (ABC Subcommittee)
2014 TRB Annual Meeting Call for ABC Papers – AFF10(3) Development of an Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Design and Construction Guide Specification Guidelines for Tolerances for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Guidelines for Calculating Dynamic Effects in Large-Scale Bridge Mes Papers are due August 1, Meeting2014.aspx
Upcoming 2014 International Event Lake Louise Peace Bridge, Calgary, Alberta Ninth International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges – Calgary, Alberta, Canada July 15-18, 2014 Sponsored by Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CACE) Topics include Accelerated Bridge Construction Call for Abstracts Deadline: September 16,
Links on ABC Center Home Page “Upcoming Events & Activities” “Related News & Publications”
Industry Resources For resources related to concrete bridges, visit: For resources related to steel bridges, visit: For resources related to composite bridges, visit:
Next Webinar Thursday, August 22, 2013 (1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern) Featured Presentation ABC Applications in Segmental Bridge Construction by William R. (Randy) Cox, P.E., Manager, American Segmental Bridge Institute To register, visit:
If you wish to receive one-hour PDH Send an to State that you attended the July 25, 2013 webinar Give first and last name of everyone at your site who wishes to receive PDHs Please do not send request to any other account
Webinar Agenda ABC Announcements(10 minutes) Featured Presentation (35 minutes) National PBES/ABC Project Exchange Benjamin Beerman, PE, Senior Structural Engineer, FHWA Resource Center, Atlanta, GA Question and Answer(15 minutes) Please post your questions in the chat box