Do you ever get bored and have nothing to do? Then you should buy our new game called The Daring Virginia Apple biting Game! You should choose our product because………. There are plenty of apples and cotton in our region. Its fun and challenging for the whole family. You can play rain or shine. Its Humorous and Fun!
London's company founded Virginia during the reign of James I in In 1606 a group of wealthy English men established a new colony. John smith founded Virginia They formed Virginia's colony to establish a permanent English settlement in America. James I died in August 18 - Elinor White Dare gave birth to a daughter, Virginia Dare. Virginia was named after the first child born of English parents in the New World. We named the game after Elinor Dare’s daughter named Virginia Dare.
John smith, was the leader of the Virginia colony. He came to Virginia looking for gold and a new settlement. The people in the colony were most commonly bakers, farmers, glass makers, and silversmiths. There were salves that worked in the farms growing tobacco, corn, apples and other products. The daring Virginia Apple biting would be great for the widgets company because the people in the Virginia colony have to have some fun once in a while. After a long day at work going home and playing a game or two of apple biting can make you forget about all the stress you had at work that day.
The land was very fertile. They grow cotton, tobacco, wheat, peanuts, barley, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, snap peas, cucumbers, sweet corn, apples, and grapes. The main crops are tobacco and apples. In Virginia it rains a lot an has a cold fronts in winter, also has heavy snow storms. The apple biting game would be good for the company because they grew cotton and apples which were the main materials in the game. The cotton was used for the string and the apples is what you are trying to bit.
The tobacco economy grow very well in the Virginia region. It could be sold at very high prices. Tobacco created a crisis in the labor market. The need for workers in the fields were becoming greater, and greater. The settlers started to attempt to make the natives there slaves because they need more people to work in the fields to create tobacco. The apples that they grow helped open up the jobs in the Virginia colony. The daring Virginia apple biting game would be great for the widget company because the more people that buy the game the more apples that they would need to produce. So, that would mean there would have to be more farmers to pick the apples. The more apples produced the more money the company would receive.
The religion of the Virginia was based off the Anglican church that was in England. They choose to be Anglican because they wanted to make the own choices. They didn’t want to be over ruled by a ruler. Church was held 14 times a week. If a settler failed to attend one service, it would cost them their serving of food for the day. If they barely ever went to church then they could be sentenced to death. After the Sabbath the colony would have a gathering were they eat and played games. So this product would be great for this colony because they would be able to play the game at these gatherings.
They had many government assemblies. The House of burgesses is a symbol of representative government. It first met on July 30 th, 1619, and is made up of legislators and councilors chosen by the governor. Apple biting can be a fun activity for all of the legislators, councilors, and the colonists after an assemblies.
Powhatan had many reasons to want to get rid of the English men and women – one reason is that the English strained the resources for his people In 1618, Powhatan and his people attacked Jamestown but did not succeed in wiping out the village, negotiated peace by making an alliance, he did this by creating the marriage of his daughter Pocahontas, to captain John Rolf Peace did not last, one day, the Englishmen had a dinner claiming to create peace, but instead they poisoned the liquor and killed nearly 200 men. Apple biting would be good for the widget company because it could help the natives and the colonists get along by gathering and play the game.
The reason are product would be good for are region is we have lots of crops, plantations, and materials. We grow lots of apples and have many materials that are used in our game, such as cotton which the string is made out of and the apples are the main object of the game. So we have made up a game to use the materials that are grown in our region. Also the game can bring people together. It’s a way you can relax and have fun.
We would like to present to the widget company our game. The game is called the daring Virginia apple biting. Instructions: 1.First you get 3 people to play. 2. Then player 1 stands up with their hands behind their back. 3. Then player 2 grabs the stick that the string and the apple is hanging over. Player 3 dangles the apple above player 1’s head and move it back and forth. 4. Player 1 will try to bite the apple in 30 seconds. If they do not get the apple within 30 seconds, then the next player will try to get the apple. The winner will win a reward at the end for who ever has the fastest time.
-"1.1 The Founding of Virginia." The Founding of Virginia. Web. 17 Oct - "Life in the Colonies." Life in the Colonies. Web. 17 Oct natural-resources.html natural-resources.html - "Virginia Colony." : Natural Resources and Religion. Web. 17 Oct history-timeline.htm history-timeline.htm - "Virginia History Timeline." Virginia History Timeline. Web. 20 Oct - "Virginia Climate Description." Virginia Climate Description. Web. 20 Oct lony.htm lony.htm -"How Virginia Colony Was Founded." About. Web. 20 Oct