Treaty of Paris 1783 Puts an end to the Revolutionary War giving the United States it’s freedom.
Louisiana Purchase The United States paid $15,000,000, to the French, for the Louisiana Territory. This purchase doubles the size of the America, adding 820,000 square miles of territory. Napoleon agreed to the sale in order to finance his war with England.
In 1810 the United States acquires: West Florida, parts of Alabama, Louisiana, and the Mississippi. In 1819 the United States acquires: East Florida.
In 1834 displaced Indians are moved to the Indian Territory, in Oklahoma.
In 1836 Texans avenge the losses at the Alamo and Goliad by defeating Mexico’s Santa Anna. Texas become a Nation.
The Trail of Tears 14,000 Cherokee were forced to leave their homes to make the1200 mile journey to Oklahoma’s Indian Territory. Approximately 1/3 died on the way.
Homestead Act of 1841 The act made it possible to buy large amounts of land for very little money. Details at: st/manifest_destiny.htm
In 1844 the United States acquires Texas and parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
In 1845, John Sullivan coins the term ‘Manifest Destiny’.
In 1846 War with Mexico In 1848 the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ends the war.
January 1848 – Gold is discovered. The discovery of gold in California, by James Marshall, sparks a new wave of American settlement.
In Feb 1848, the United States acquires California, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming. In Aug 1848, the United States acquires the Oregon Territory: Idaho, Oregon, Washington and parts of Montana and Wyoming.
Gadsden Purchase The United States paid $10,000,000 to Mexico for parts of Arizona and New Mexico. The purchase adds over 29,000 square miles to the United States.
In 1867 the United States acquires Alaska from Russia. Purchase price was $7,200,000.
In 1869 Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads begin cross-country travel.
The Killing of the Buffalo indian-wars/videos#american-buffalo
In 1889, the Indian Territory, a land meant for the Indians, was opened for further settlement due to the Oklahoma Land Rush.
The rush to settle in Oklahoma prompted William Howard to write, Unlike Rome, the city of Guthrie (Oklahoma) was built in a day…” It was estimated that the town went from a population of zero to 10,000 in one day!
In 1893, the United States acquires Hawaii.
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