The Scotts On The National Youth Committee Lacking four months serving ten years
Accomplishments My first year I served with President Calvin Rigdon and Secretary James Kilgore Second year with President Tom Fred Tenney and Secretary Cleveland Becton I was called the grandfather of the committee Special Committees considered meaningful –Committee to plan the first Youth Conference –Committee to finalize the Quiz Program –Committee to Create a book of suggestions for Youth Programs in the local church
Preaching Master Youth Rally West Virginia 1952
Authority To Invite The National Youth Conference To Charleston
As I served I was enriched General Superintendent A. T. Morgan and I At Breakfast
Sister Scott With Sister Morgan and Sister Chambers
God Called Us To Ecuador It Was A Cradle of Revival
The Scotts Called To Ecuador – August 1968
How We Needed Sheaves For Christ
Sheaves For Christ Paves The Way
Evangelizing Ecuador 1969…
The Otovalo Indian Tribe Francisco Became A Pastor – Thanks To SFC
The Colorado Indian Tribe
Inside Colorado Indian Tribe We Were The Only Church To Win Over This Tribe
SFC Made A Road To The Colorado Indian Tribe
Evangelizing The Colorado Tribe Impossible Without SFC This is Samuel – Converted Colorado Indian Witchdoctor
Baptizing New Converts 1.969
The Doyle Spears Visited Ecuador
The Quito Church – 2500 – 3000 In Attendance Each Sunday
Leonardo Becerra President of the Ecuador National Leadership
Ecuador Under National Leadership