Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Strategic Plan Presentation
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Enrollment Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 10 – Award graduate and undergraduate degrees in targeted and non-targeted areas consistent with Board of Trustees-approved Board of Governors Accountability Targets.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Enrollment to Comparison of Student Credit Hours Generated Lower Lower Upper Upper Arts and Letters69,03078,81142,70470,858 University Total163,365186,667280,147315,386 % A&L42% 15%22%
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Enrollment to Comparison of Student Credit Hours Generated Grad I Grad I Grad II Grad II Arts and Letters4,3606, ,000 University Total52,66356,9907,1499,749 % A&L8%11%7.5%10%
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Enrollment to Comparison of Student Credit Hours Generated Total Total Arts and Letters116,632156,772 University Total503,324570,792 % A&L23%27%
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Growth in Graduate Enrollment YearTotal Graduate Students/Doctoral / /101 % Change53/66
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Retention Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 3 – Promote the academic success and improve the retention rate of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students. Goal 1, Objective 4 – Promote timely completion of degrees and increase the graduation rate of FTIC students. Goal 1, Objective 5 – Promote the timely completion of degrees and increase the graduation rate of Associate in Arts transfer students.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Retention Admission to FAU 6 Year Graduation Rates for FTIC A&L/FAU Admission to FAU 4 Year Graduation Rates for Community College Transfers with an AA Degree A&L/FAU / / / /63.6
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Partner Campuses Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 11 – Develop and implement mission-driven academic enrollment and program plans for each campus.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Partner Campuses By this fall we will have moved the multi-media computer lab from Davie to the Fort Lauderdale campus and will complete groundwork to move two computer labs and three faculty from Boca to the Fort Lauderdale campus, concentrating all the multi-media faculty and labs in one location. We will be moving the new Center for Public Archaeology, funded by the State, to the Fort Lauderdale campus, to work with the three county public school systems, and local communities and developers to raise awareness of our archaeological heritage in south Florida. We are hiring to bolster faculty at both Broward and MacArthur campuses. We have worked out a multi-year rotation for offerings in Port St. Lucie which meet the needs of the Colleges of Business, Education and Nursing.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Diversity Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 6 – Adopt strategies that assure racial and ethnic diversity within the student body. Goal 1, Objective 7 – Adopt strategies that assure that degree completions reflect the racial and ethnic composition of the student body.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Diversity Faculty Diversity Instructional Faculty (Tenured, tenure-earning & non-tenure-earning) College TotalUniversity Total American Indian/Alaskan01 Asian or Pacific Islander3 (1.4%)88 (8.4%) Black (not of Hispanic origin)12 (5.7%)60 (5.7%) Hispanic13 (6.1%)57 (5.4%) White (not of Hispanic origin)175 (82.5%)780 (74.5%) Non-Resident Alien9 (4.2%)61 (5.8%) Total
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Diversity Fall 2006 Headcount Enrollment RaceCollege TotalUniversity Total American Indian/Alaskan17 (<1%)86 (<1%) Asian or Pacific Islander120 (3%)1,169 (5%) Black (not of Hispanic origin)522 (13%)4,362 (17%) Hispanic646 (16%)4,219 (16%) White (not of Hispanic origin)2568 (64%)14,752 (57%) Non-Resident Alien98 (2%)987 (4%) Total3982 (11 not reported)25,657 (82 not reported)
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Student Diversity 2006 Degrees Awarded (Calendar Year) RaceCollege TotalUniversity Total American Indian/Alaskan2 (<1%)12 (<1%) Asian or Pacific Islander31 (3%)289 (5%) Black (not of Hispanic origin)149 (14%)926 (16%) Hispanic156 (15%)852 (15%) White (not of Hispanic origin)680 (65%)3,266 (58%) Non-Resident Alien26 (3%)313 (6%) Total1045 (1 not reported)5,665 (7 not reported)
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Technology Strategic Plan Goal 5, Objective 1 – Provide colleges and non-academic units adequate and stable funding to maintain the information technology (IT) infrastructure necessary for instruction, research and other creative activities, and support and administrative functions. Goal 5, Objective 3 – Increase as needed University-wide IRM staff and college-based IT staff to support adequately the teaching, research and administrative missions of the University. Goal 5, Objective 8 - Provide all students with the opportunity to develop and enhance their information technology proficiency.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Technology ComputersServersLabsSupport Staff
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Community Outreach Strategic Plan Goal 4, Objective 4 – Communicate effectively to both internal and external audiences the University’s community outreach activities Goal 4, Objective 5 – Engage students, faculty and staff in service activities that mutually benefit the University and the community.
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Community Outreach 200 programs of every sort, including: FAU’s School of the Arts recently named a Kennedy Center “National Partner in Education”, in partnership with the Kravis Center and Palm Beach County School District Festival Rep 2006, FAU’s popular summer repertory theatre series, attracts audiences of 8,041 over 6 weeks School of Communication and Multimedia Studies signs an agreement with WXEL to develop a new digital radio station FAU hosts the Florida State Music Teacher’s Association in October for 300 music educators Scripps Howard Institute on the Environment moves its summer journalism institute from Colorado to FAU