Hosted by Ms. Magan
VocabularyMineralsRocks Rocks & Minerals
Row 1, Col 1 What is an inorganic, naturally occurring solid? Mineral
1,2 What is a hollow rock lined with crystals? Geode
1,3 What process gradually changes rocks from one form to another? The Rock Cycle
1,4 What is a mineral that contains a combination of silicon and oxygen? Silicate
2,1 List the properties that can be used to determine the identity of a mineral. Color, streak, luster, density, hardness, crystal structure, cleavage, and fracture.
2,2 What is the way in which a mineral reflects light? Luster
2,3 What is the color of the powder of a mineral? Streak
2,4 What is the manner in which a mineral breaks along an irregular surface? Fracture
3,1 What are the three types of rocks? Igneous, metamorphic, & sedimentary
3,2 This type of rock forms when particles from other rocks are pressed together. Sedimentary Rock
3,3 This type of rock forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat or pressure. Metamorphic Rock
3,4 This type of rock is formed from the cooling of molten rock. Igneous Rock
4,1 What is an example of a sedimentary rock? Sandstone or Limestone.
4,2 Does the rock cycle have a beginning or an end? No, it keeps going because it is a cycle.
4,3 What is the measure of the ability of a mineral to resist scratching? Hardness
4,4 This is the splitting of a mineral along smooth, flat surfaces? Cleavage
5,1 This is a narrow channel of a mineral that is different from the surround rock. Vein
5,2 What two ways do minerals form? By crystallization of magma and lava and by crystallization of materials dissolved in water.
5,3 What is mining? Extracting minerals from the ground.
5,4 What are the two main types of mines? Surface and Subsurface mining