Advanced Art Explorations (Art 4) Oh! the Places You’ll Go! Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!
Art Project and Study Possibilities!
Symbolic Still Life Kirsten Appel Mrs. Rogers
Our Symbolic Still Life This year we will draw a simple still life of eggs, which can be symbolic and express other ideas, or feelings. We will all be using graphite and drawing tools. We will explore various paper and shading techniques to prepare. You will make your own arrangement of eggs as a still life to guide your drawing.
Digital Portfolio Development Further develop your PowerPoint portfolio from last semester by working individually with me and on your own.
Symbolic Portraits Jada McGill Leo Gomez
Kaylyn Renko Jamie Tooill
Folk Art Study and inspiration Piece Zach Springer Jada McGill
Conceptual Art Go to conceptual PowerPoint Is this a season? A time of day?
Grab Bag – Process Art In this assignment, students selected a grab bag that had some art supplies in it. They had to use everything in the bag to create an artwork, but could add any extra supplies needed during the process. The subject of the artwork was completely open (of course we still adhere to school appropriateness).
Cultural Studies - Masks
2010/2011 Masks
Independent Concentration Choosing a medium of concentration and planning and executing studies/artworks that exhibit your investigation of the medium. You will pre-plan how you will spend your class time and out of class time and check in with me periodically to stay on track.