Unit 1: Folk Literature Finding Ourselves Class Discussion  What is art?  What is the difference between good art and bad?  What makes a work of art.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1: Folk Literature Finding Ourselves

Class Discussion  What is art?  What is the difference between good art and bad?  What makes a work of art interesting? Is it the subject matter? The use of the medium?  What else might it be?

What Makes Art Work? Art appreciation is a personal thing. A work of art that one person dislikes may be valued by another person. Art contains many elements that determine how it appears to the audience. Perhaps one of the most apparent is a work’s composition.

Composition In art, the word composition refers to the arrangement of forms within the work. Compositions can be stable or dynamic. Many people prefer certain compositions over others. Forms within a composition can create positive and negative space.

Stable Compositions A stable composition creates little tension, the forms are balanced and there is little visual movement.

Dynamic Compositions A dynamic composition creates tension and movement, and may not be balanced. Note the positive and negative spaces. Negative Space Positive Space

Stable versus Dynamic Compositions  Look at the following works of art.  Determine whether they are dynamic or stable compositions.

Isaac Royall and His Family, Robert Feke. Oil on canvas.

St. George and the Dragon, Raphael.

St. Michael, 1665–66. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother, James Abbot McNeill Whistler.

Stable Dynamic Stable Dynamic

Composition (cont.)  Look at the following painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.  It is called Narcissus.  What type of composition does it utilize?

Narcissus, c Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Oil paint on canvas.

Refer to the Art Note that Narcissus, the main figure, is not moving. The painting is free of tension. The painting is well balanced and almost symmetrical. This painting has a stable composition. ?

What Do You Notice?  Caravaggio, the artist who created this painting, was known for his approach to light and shadow.  How would you describe the light and shadow in the painting?

Chiaroscuro Caravaggio’s approach to light and shadow is called chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro means a dramatic contrast between light and dark. This approach makes the figures appear to stand out of the darkness. Chiaroscuro also brings the main figures toward the viewer visually.

About the Art The painting depicts Narcissus, a handsome young man from a classic myth. He was told that he would live a long life if he never “came to know himself.” One day, however, he saw his own reflection and fell in love with himself. Narcissus spent the remainder of his life wasting away by his image.

Make Connections How does the painting Narcissus reflect the Unit 1 theme of “Finding Ourselves.” Recall the selection “Flowers for Algernon” in your textbook. Does Charlie Gordon “find himself” in “Flowers for Algernon”? What connections can you draw between “Flowers for Algernon” and the myth and painting of Narcissus?

Classroom Discussion  Discuss the composition style you prefer and explain your reasoning.  Look at Narcissus again and describe the scene it depicts. What mood is depicted?  How does chiaroscuro affect the mood of the painting?  How does the Unit Theme present itself in the painting?

Extension Activities Find a variety of images and describe the composition of each. Explain whether the image is stable or dynamic, and describe how the artist achieved that state. Use your own experience and your understanding of the story of Narcissus to write a review of Caravaggio’s painting Narcissus.